Evaluating portfolio risk typically requires that correlation estimates of security returns be made. Historical financial events have shown that correlations can rise quickly, causing a huge increase in portfolio risk. Therefore, in stress testing portfolios, it is important to consider the influence of a sudden surge in selected correlations. Standard correlation stress testing mechanisms require us to change the selected correlations to designated values. However, the correlation matrix may become non-positive definite after some of its entries are altered. This paper proposes a blocking method by which an existing correlation matrix can be converted to incorporate change while keeping the matrix positive definite. In comparison with exis...
10.1007/s10589-008-9231-4Computational Optimization and Applications452427-462CPPP
The Basel 2 Accord requires regulatory capital to cover stress tests, yet no coherent and objective ...
In this paper potential usage of different correlation measures in portfolio problems is studied. We...
Excel Workbook Implementation Targeted Stress: In practice, risk measurement of the majority of ent...
We develop a general approach for stress testing correlations of financial asset portfolios. The cor...
The article proposes a new algorithm for adjusting correlation matrices and for comparison with Fing...
Correlation stress testing is employed in several financial models for determining the value-at-risk...
Correlation stress testing is motivated by a well-known phenomenon: correlations change under financ...
This thesis considers two important problems in finance, namely, correlation stress testing and mult...
This dissertation consists of three research papers that investigate different interesting topics of...
Financial risk analysts use historical time series data that details financial market factors to ana...
The importance of the alluring goal of having the “perfect” or “true” information is more than visib...
The simplest way to describe the dependence for a set of financial assets is their correlation matri...
Under the new capital accord stress tests are to be included in market risk regulatory capital calcu...
We derive explicit solutions to the problem of completing a partially specified correlation matrix. ...
10.1007/s10589-008-9231-4Computational Optimization and Applications452427-462CPPP
The Basel 2 Accord requires regulatory capital to cover stress tests, yet no coherent and objective ...
In this paper potential usage of different correlation measures in portfolio problems is studied. We...
Excel Workbook Implementation Targeted Stress: In practice, risk measurement of the majority of ent...
We develop a general approach for stress testing correlations of financial asset portfolios. The cor...
The article proposes a new algorithm for adjusting correlation matrices and for comparison with Fing...
Correlation stress testing is employed in several financial models for determining the value-at-risk...
Correlation stress testing is motivated by a well-known phenomenon: correlations change under financ...
This thesis considers two important problems in finance, namely, correlation stress testing and mult...
This dissertation consists of three research papers that investigate different interesting topics of...
Financial risk analysts use historical time series data that details financial market factors to ana...
The importance of the alluring goal of having the “perfect” or “true” information is more than visib...
The simplest way to describe the dependence for a set of financial assets is their correlation matri...
Under the new capital accord stress tests are to be included in market risk regulatory capital calcu...
We derive explicit solutions to the problem of completing a partially specified correlation matrix. ...
10.1007/s10589-008-9231-4Computational Optimization and Applications452427-462CPPP
The Basel 2 Accord requires regulatory capital to cover stress tests, yet no coherent and objective ...
In this paper potential usage of different correlation measures in portfolio problems is studied. We...