The Htilominlo Temple is a colossal religious building constructed by King Nātoṅmyā (Nataungmya) (AD 1211-1231) in the early 13th century AD. In addition to the title “Htilominlo”, it is also called ‘Trilokamaṅgalā’ meaning ‘Blessing of the Three Worlds’. It stands magnificently on the side of the Bagan-Nyaung U car road. Architecturally, it is a two-storeyed temple with a voluminous solid core and entresol. It is built of both brick and stone. The brick-bond used in it good and sandstone blocks are interspersed among the bricks. Through the study of the architecture of this temple, the high architectural standard of ancient Myanmar architects can be known. Besides, through the comparative study of Early, Middle and Late Bagan Period temple...