Background: PSP is a neuropathologically defined disease entity. Clinical diagnostic criteria, published in 1996 by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke/Society for PSP, have excellent specificity, but their sensitivity is limited for variant PSP syndromes with presentations other than Richardson's syndrome. Objective: We aimed to provide an evidence-and consensus-based revision of the clinical diagnostic criteria for PSP. Methods: We searched the PubMed, Cochrane, Med-line, and PSYCInfo databases for articles published in English since 1996, using postmortem diagnosis or highly specific clinical criteria as the diagnostic standard. Second, we generated retrospective standardized clinical data from patients with autop...
BackgroundThe Movement Disorder Society criteria for progressive supranuclear palsy define diagnosti...
Introduction: Movement Disorder Society (MDS) new diagnostic criteria for Progressive Supranuclear p...
Recently, both the paper "Advances in progressive supranuclear palsy: new diagnostic criteria, bioma...
BACKGROUND: PSP is a neuropathologically defined disease entity. Clinical diagnostic criteria, publi...
Background: PSP is a neuropathologically defined disease entity. Clinical diagnostic criteria, publi...
Background: PSP is a neuropathologically defined disease entity. Clinical diagnostic criteria, publi...
Background: PSP is a neuropathologically defined disease entity. Clinical diagnostic criteria, publi...
BACKGROUND: Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a neuropathologically defined disease presenting...
The International Parkinson Disease and Movement Disorder Society PSP study group (IPMDS-PSP) recent...
Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), previously believed to be a common cause of atypical parkinson...
Autopsy is the diagnostic gold standard for progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). The National Insti...
BACKGROUND: The Movement Disorder Society criteria for progressive supranuclear palsy define diagnos...
BackgroundThe Movement Disorder Society criteria for progressive supranuclear palsy define diagnosti...
Introduction: Movement Disorder Society (MDS) new diagnostic criteria for Progressive Supranuclear p...
Recently, both the paper "Advances in progressive supranuclear palsy: new diagnostic criteria, bioma...
BACKGROUND: PSP is a neuropathologically defined disease entity. Clinical diagnostic criteria, publi...
Background: PSP is a neuropathologically defined disease entity. Clinical diagnostic criteria, publi...
Background: PSP is a neuropathologically defined disease entity. Clinical diagnostic criteria, publi...
Background: PSP is a neuropathologically defined disease entity. Clinical diagnostic criteria, publi...
BACKGROUND: Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a neuropathologically defined disease presenting...
The International Parkinson Disease and Movement Disorder Society PSP study group (IPMDS-PSP) recent...
Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), previously believed to be a common cause of atypical parkinson...
Autopsy is the diagnostic gold standard for progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). The National Insti...
BACKGROUND: The Movement Disorder Society criteria for progressive supranuclear palsy define diagnos...
BackgroundThe Movement Disorder Society criteria for progressive supranuclear palsy define diagnosti...
Introduction: Movement Disorder Society (MDS) new diagnostic criteria for Progressive Supranuclear p...
Recently, both the paper "Advances in progressive supranuclear palsy: new diagnostic criteria, bioma...