A case report of a family with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome

  • Irie, Seiji
  • Harada, Hideo
  • Kawabata, Kenji
  • Shibata, Tsuneo
Publication date
March 1984


A 58-year-old female was admitted because of colicky abdominal pain. Physical examination revealed firm abdominal wall, increased bowel sounds and multiple pigmented macules on the lips, oral mucosa, soles and volar aspects of the fingers and toes. Hyperventilation and tetanic rigidity of the extremities were also noted. The symptoms were successfully treated by intravenous injection of butropium bromide and diazepam. Roentgenological and fiberscopic examination revealed multiple polyps in the stomach, small intestine and colon ; the small intestine was most heavily loaded with polyps. Biopsy specimen revealed only inflammatory changes. The patient had undergone a resectien of the terminal ileum with polyps 15 years previously because of il...

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