1) In order to study the experimental Parkinsonism, some Phenothiazine-Derivatives, e. g. Chlorpromazine 30 mg/Kg., Perphenazine 15 mg/Kg.. Trifluoperazine 5 mg/Kg.. Fulphenazine 5 mg/Kg.. Thioproperazine 10 mg/Kg.; and Bulbocapnine 15 mg/Kg. which had been used for study of the experimental catatonia customally, were injected into the peritoneum of the Cb-strain of male mice and the Wister-strain of male rats. Above 90% of the rats and mice showed parkinsonism after the abministration of these drugs. 2) The parkinsonian rats and mice showed sluggish movements, abnormal postures, catalepsia-like-syndroms e. g. passivity, negativism, fixation, rigidity of muscles, vegetative signs and tremor. Rigidity of muscles was objectively proved by app...