Na osnovu podataka o upotrebi vrste Mahonia aquifolium u tradicionalnoj medicini definisan je cilj našeg istraživanja, ispitivanje antitumorske i antimikrobne aktivnosti ekstrakata kore mahonije.Ispitivanjem citotoksičnosti vodenog i etanolnog ekstrakta na humanim malignim ćelijskim linijama je dokazano da ekstrakti imaju selektivnu citotoksičnu aktivnost, a najviši intenzitet dejstva su pokazali na HeLa ćelijama adenokarcinoma cerviksa. Fluorescentnom mikroskopijom i analizom faza ćelijskog ciklusa je pokazano da ekstrakti indukuju apoptozu u HeLa ćelijama. Primenom inhibitora kaspaza pokazano je da ekstrakti indukuju apoptozu preko spoljašnjeg puta aktivacije. Ispitivanja na endotelijalnim EA.hy926 ćelijama pokazala su antiangiogenetski i...
It has been estimated that between 3000 and 4000 plant species are used for their medicinal properti...
The Antiproliferative effects of methanol extract from Bruguiera gymnorhiza (B. gymnorhiza) barks we...
The Mangrove plants have been long used for traditional medicine to cure gastroenteritis and cancer ...
Na osnovu podataka o upotrebi vrste Mahonia aquifolium u tradicionalnoj medicini definisan je cilj n...
The cytotoxicity of Mahonia aquifolium ethanol and water extracts was examined using MTT test. The m...
Abstract: Mahonia aquifolium and its secondary metabolites have been shown to have anticancer potent...
Oxidative stress and inflammation are interlinked processes. The aim of the study was to perform a p...
Natural products were proved to have inhibitory effect on the nitro-oxidative stress. The aim of the...
Prirodni antrahinoni, važna klasa hinonskih jedinjenja, se mogu naći u velikom broju viših biljaka, ...
Izvod: Chelidonium majus L. (Papaveraceae) u tradicionalnoj medicini ima primenu u lečenju širokog...
Herein, we propose a H-1 NMR-based metabolomics method to reveal cytotoxic metabolites from Mahonia ...
In this study, two known quinolizidine alkaloids which are sparteine and lupanine were isolated from...
Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja je ispitati potencijalno citotoksično djelovanje biljnih vrsta...
Upotreba biljaka u lečenju ljudi datira još od antičkih vremena. Danas, savremena nauka izučava leko...
The present study medicinal plants namely Abutilon indicum and Blumea mollis were chosen to screen f...
It has been estimated that between 3000 and 4000 plant species are used for their medicinal properti...
The Antiproliferative effects of methanol extract from Bruguiera gymnorhiza (B. gymnorhiza) barks we...
The Mangrove plants have been long used for traditional medicine to cure gastroenteritis and cancer ...
Na osnovu podataka o upotrebi vrste Mahonia aquifolium u tradicionalnoj medicini definisan je cilj n...
The cytotoxicity of Mahonia aquifolium ethanol and water extracts was examined using MTT test. The m...
Abstract: Mahonia aquifolium and its secondary metabolites have been shown to have anticancer potent...
Oxidative stress and inflammation are interlinked processes. The aim of the study was to perform a p...
Natural products were proved to have inhibitory effect on the nitro-oxidative stress. The aim of the...
Prirodni antrahinoni, važna klasa hinonskih jedinjenja, se mogu naći u velikom broju viših biljaka, ...
Izvod: Chelidonium majus L. (Papaveraceae) u tradicionalnoj medicini ima primenu u lečenju širokog...
Herein, we propose a H-1 NMR-based metabolomics method to reveal cytotoxic metabolites from Mahonia ...
In this study, two known quinolizidine alkaloids which are sparteine and lupanine were isolated from...
Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja je ispitati potencijalno citotoksično djelovanje biljnih vrsta...
Upotreba biljaka u lečenju ljudi datira još od antičkih vremena. Danas, savremena nauka izučava leko...
The present study medicinal plants namely Abutilon indicum and Blumea mollis were chosen to screen f...
It has been estimated that between 3000 and 4000 plant species are used for their medicinal properti...
The Antiproliferative effects of methanol extract from Bruguiera gymnorhiza (B. gymnorhiza) barks we...
The Mangrove plants have been long used for traditional medicine to cure gastroenteritis and cancer ...