Nutricompartilha: educação alimentar e nutricional em diferentes contextos

  • Prudencio Trujillo Granja , Igor
  • Gabriele da Silva , Geovana
  • Paula da Silva, Crislaine
  • Cruz Trombeta , Fernanda
  • Quelen Feitoza , Lais
  • de Melo Rosa , Gabriel
  • Manara Ribeiro , Mariana
  • da Cruz Della Torre , Ana Clara
  • Goulart Torlai Magalhães, Natália
  • Eduarda Crabbis , Belisa
  • Grasselli, Cristiane
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Publication date
October 2020
Instituto Federal Catarinense


The Nutricompartilha extension project was created in 2017 and works on the premise of Food and Nutrition Education (FNE) by means of group guidance. The objective was to promote the acquisition of healthy eating habits and enhance extensionists’ education. The project actions are based on the principles of Guia Alimentar para População Brasileira and has target audience of great port like students, professors, and employees of the Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL/MG), as well as users of a Unidade Básica de Saúde. In 2017, the Nutricompartilha project sought to reach UNIFAL/MG students, servers, and professors who were overweight and obese, aiming at discussing healthy and affordable feeding practices. In 2018, group dynamics were d...

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