Constitutive expression and anchoring of Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens in Lactobacillus plantarum

  • Wiig, Solveig Birkedal
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Publication date
January 2020
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås


Tuberculosis is the leading cause of death caused by a single agent worldwide. A new and effective vaccine against this infection is therefore imperative. This study is a part of a larger project where the long-term goal is to create an effective vaccine against tuberculosis using LAB as live vectors. Using LAB as a delivery vector for vaccines is highly desirable because of their GRAS status, their non-pathogenicity, probiotic properties, and their ability to deliver functional proteins to mucosal surfaces. These properties make LAB such as L. plantarum an ideal live vector for vaccine delivery. In this study, a constitutive expression system was constructed by replacing the inducible promoter psppA used in the pSIP vectors with constit...

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