Yakın anlamlar ifade eden hilâf ve ihtilâf kavramları, çoğu zaman birbirlerinin yerine de kullanılmıştır. Fıkhî meseleler üzerinde cereyân eden görüş ayrılıkları Hz. Peygamber döneminde ortaya çıkmaya başlamıştır. Ancak Hz. Peygamber’in hayatta oluşu ve sahabenin konuyu ona arz etmesi ciddi tartışmaların yaşanmasına engel olmuştur. Hulefâ-i raşidîn ve müctehid imamlar döneminde de fıkhî ihtilâfların neden olduğu tartışmaların dozunun düşük olduğu söylenebilir. Ancak özellikle mezhepleşme süreci ile zuhûr eden taklid ve taassup ruhu, fıkhî meseleler üzerinde ciddi tartışmaların meydana gelmesine zemin hazırlamıştır. Günümüze kadar varlığını devam ettirmiş olan ihtilâf, kuşkusuz kıyamete kadar da var olmaya devam edecektir. Bu çalışmada fıkhî...
Abstrak: Perdebatan Muslim-Kristen Pada Awal Era Abbasiyah: Studi Kasus Era Timothy I dan Theodore A...
This paper takes into account the very fact that Syariah has been a subject of controversy over cent...
Law will always evolve and dialectic with social dynamics. Coulson see that the dynamics of the Isla...
Disputes between scholars of different backgrounds were usual in the first two centuries AH, which w...
This study discusses the idea of the res judicata in classical Islamic jurisprudence and the histori...
The article is focused on the theological debates on the issues of ‘aqidah between Shihabetdin Marja...
Perhaps zakāt is the only pillar of Islam which has been so widely disputed by scholars with regard ...
The Legal Disagreements (Ikhtilâf) and Shatibi's Approach to the Principle of the Murâat Al-KhilafTh...
This paper takes into account the very fact that Syari’ah has been a subject of controversy over cen...
Uyuşmazlıkların çözümü her hukuk sistemi tarafından yerine getirilmesi gereken en önemli konu-dur. A...
SUMMARY: 1. Scholar challenges and epistemological pitfalls - 2. Traditional Muslim hermeneutics and...
The problem is concentrated in the difference between the woman and her husband in the provisions of...
Throughout Islamic history, Islamic schools of law (madhāhib) enjoyed tremendous authority. In addit...
This paper takes into account the very fact that Syariah has been a subject of controversy over cent...
Islamic jurisprudence gives an example of exceeding legal science generally which is separate from h...
Abstrak: Perdebatan Muslim-Kristen Pada Awal Era Abbasiyah: Studi Kasus Era Timothy I dan Theodore A...
This paper takes into account the very fact that Syariah has been a subject of controversy over cent...
Law will always evolve and dialectic with social dynamics. Coulson see that the dynamics of the Isla...
Disputes between scholars of different backgrounds were usual in the first two centuries AH, which w...
This study discusses the idea of the res judicata in classical Islamic jurisprudence and the histori...
The article is focused on the theological debates on the issues of ‘aqidah between Shihabetdin Marja...
Perhaps zakāt is the only pillar of Islam which has been so widely disputed by scholars with regard ...
The Legal Disagreements (Ikhtilâf) and Shatibi's Approach to the Principle of the Murâat Al-KhilafTh...
This paper takes into account the very fact that Syari’ah has been a subject of controversy over cen...
Uyuşmazlıkların çözümü her hukuk sistemi tarafından yerine getirilmesi gereken en önemli konu-dur. A...
SUMMARY: 1. Scholar challenges and epistemological pitfalls - 2. Traditional Muslim hermeneutics and...
The problem is concentrated in the difference between the woman and her husband in the provisions of...
Throughout Islamic history, Islamic schools of law (madhāhib) enjoyed tremendous authority. In addit...
This paper takes into account the very fact that Syariah has been a subject of controversy over cent...
Islamic jurisprudence gives an example of exceeding legal science generally which is separate from h...
Abstrak: Perdebatan Muslim-Kristen Pada Awal Era Abbasiyah: Studi Kasus Era Timothy I dan Theodore A...
This paper takes into account the very fact that Syariah has been a subject of controversy over cent...
Law will always evolve and dialectic with social dynamics. Coulson see that the dynamics of the Isla...