The paper considers child poverty in rich English-speaking countries - the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and Ireland. Do all these countries stand out from other OECD countries for their levels of child poverty, as is sometimes assumed? And what policies have they adopted to address the problem? 'Poverty' is interpreted broadly and hence the available cross-national evidence on educational disadvantage and teenage births is considered alongside that on low household income. Likewise, discussion of policy initiatives ranges across a number of areas of government activity
In rich countries children\u27s basic needs have been generally met but there is scope for further p...
Moral, efficiency, and rights-based arguments have sparked widespread\ud acknowledgement in both aca...
European countries vary in the extent to which they succeed in reducing poverty using social transfe...
This thesis provides a comparative analysis of poverty among children in New Zealand, Norway and Swe...
The paper considers child poverty in rich English-speaking countries – the US, Canada
Combating child poverty and improving child well-being have become key issues on the policy agenda o...
This new report on child poverty in the world’s wealthiest nations concludes that one in six of the ...
The prevalence of low income for children, especially for children in lone-parent families, varies c...
This brief paper is a response to a Church of England consultation on the causes of and solutions to...
Background: We question why child poverty still prevails even in high-income countries, such as Japa...
A child poverty rate of ten percent could mean that every tenth child is always poor, or that all ch...
Child poverty is a problem firmly recognized in the industrialized world. In the EU nearly one in e...
In 1992, a comparison study using a model-family methodology found New Zealand to be one of the leas...
Introduction: Using a poverty line set at 60% of New Zealand’s median national income, nearly one in...
This paper compares child poverty dynamics cross-nationally using panel data from seven nations: the...
In rich countries children\u27s basic needs have been generally met but there is scope for further p...
Moral, efficiency, and rights-based arguments have sparked widespread\ud acknowledgement in both aca...
European countries vary in the extent to which they succeed in reducing poverty using social transfe...
This thesis provides a comparative analysis of poverty among children in New Zealand, Norway and Swe...
The paper considers child poverty in rich English-speaking countries – the US, Canada
Combating child poverty and improving child well-being have become key issues on the policy agenda o...
This new report on child poverty in the world’s wealthiest nations concludes that one in six of the ...
The prevalence of low income for children, especially for children in lone-parent families, varies c...
This brief paper is a response to a Church of England consultation on the causes of and solutions to...
Background: We question why child poverty still prevails even in high-income countries, such as Japa...
A child poverty rate of ten percent could mean that every tenth child is always poor, or that all ch...
Child poverty is a problem firmly recognized in the industrialized world. In the EU nearly one in e...
In 1992, a comparison study using a model-family methodology found New Zealand to be one of the leas...
Introduction: Using a poverty line set at 60% of New Zealand’s median national income, nearly one in...
This paper compares child poverty dynamics cross-nationally using panel data from seven nations: the...
In rich countries children\u27s basic needs have been generally met but there is scope for further p...
Moral, efficiency, and rights-based arguments have sparked widespread\ud acknowledgement in both aca...
European countries vary in the extent to which they succeed in reducing poverty using social transfe...