The inferior alveolar nerve's loop at the mental foramen and its implications for surgery

  • Filo, Katharina
  • Schneider, Thomas
  • Locher, Michael C
  • Kruse, Astrid L
  • Lübbers, Heinz-Theo
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Publication date
March 2014
Elsevier BV
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BACKGROUND In this study, the authors aimed to identify and measure the anterior extension of the alveolar loop (aAL) and the caudal extension of the alveolar loop (cAL) of the inferior alveolar nerve by using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). They also aimed to provide recommendations for surgery in the anterior mandible. METHODS In this retrospective case study of the frequency and extension of aAL and cAL, the authors evaluated 1,384 mandibular sites in 694 CBCT scans of dentate and partly edentulous patients, performed mainly for further diagnosis before removal of the mandibular third molars between January 2009 and February 2013, by using multiplanar reconstructions. RESULTS The frequency of aAL was 69.73 percent and of cAL w...

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