Veze koje je Dubrovnik učvrstio s južnom Italijom, naročito s Napuljem i Sicilijom, a preko tih zemalja sa Španjolskom, bile su od velike važnosti za dubrovačku pomorsku trgovinu po Mediteranu. Već u XIV stoljeću imao je Dubrovnik privilegije napuljskih kraljeva.The act of presenting game birds to the Neapolitan ruler started at the beginning of the 16th century. It was when Naples came under the rule of Spain and when the Spanish king confirmed all previously given privilege of Dubrovnik in his occupied territories, so it was in the territory of Naples. Once in a year in autumn Dubrovnik gave 12 birds for hunting as a gift to vice-king of Naples. They were hawks or falcons as a sign of the special respect and loyalty of Dubrovnik’s Republ...