Most of the Great Basin sediment-hosted gold deposits are located along well defined, northwest-striking trends. Trends coincide with faults, intrusive rocks and magnetic anomalies. Sedimentary host rocks are siltstone, sandstone, conglomerate, argillic, interbedded chert and shales. Silty bedded silty dolomites, limestone and carbonaceous shales are the most favourable hosts. High, and locally, low-angle faults are very important structural features related to the formation of the ore bodies. High-angle faults are conduits of hydrothermal fluids which react, shatter and prepare the favourable host rock. Decalcification, silicification, and argillization are the most common hydrothermal alteration types. Jasperoid (intense silica replacemen...
It has been established that porphyry copper/copper-gold deposits have formed from I Ma to 2 Ga ago....
Concept-based orogenic gold exploration requires a scale-integrated approach using a robust mineral ...
The Abitibi granite-greenstone belt has long been known for its’ world-class Archean lode gold depos...
Most of the Great Basin sediment-hosted gold deposits are located along well defined, northwest-stri...
Carlin-type, fine-grained, "invisible" or Disseminated Replacement Type gold-silver deposits are all...
Sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits in Nevada, western United States are major gold sources a...
Epigenetic gold deposits in metamorphic terranes include those of the Precambrian shields (approx 23...
Discovery of sediment hosted, distal disseminated gold at the Pequop Mountains (Pequops) inthe early...
Reduced intrusion-related gold (RIRG) deposits have been documented around the globe, and have been ...
textGold mineralization in the Velvet District occurs in an eastward dipping sequence of Miocene tuf...
The Post/Betze sediment-hosted disseminated gold (SHDG) deposit is the largest known deposit of its ...
This volume presents new data on a group of gold deposits that are hosted primarily within or in the...
The Fourmile gold deposit is a Carlin-type deposit discovered in the Cortez mining district, Nevada ...
The McDonald gold deposit is located in Lewis and Clark County near Lincoln, Montana and is divided ...
Native metals contain primary fluid inclusions that provide information on the P-T-X conditions asso...
It has been established that porphyry copper/copper-gold deposits have formed from I Ma to 2 Ga ago....
Concept-based orogenic gold exploration requires a scale-integrated approach using a robust mineral ...
The Abitibi granite-greenstone belt has long been known for its’ world-class Archean lode gold depos...
Most of the Great Basin sediment-hosted gold deposits are located along well defined, northwest-stri...
Carlin-type, fine-grained, "invisible" or Disseminated Replacement Type gold-silver deposits are all...
Sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits in Nevada, western United States are major gold sources a...
Epigenetic gold deposits in metamorphic terranes include those of the Precambrian shields (approx 23...
Discovery of sediment hosted, distal disseminated gold at the Pequop Mountains (Pequops) inthe early...
Reduced intrusion-related gold (RIRG) deposits have been documented around the globe, and have been ...
textGold mineralization in the Velvet District occurs in an eastward dipping sequence of Miocene tuf...
The Post/Betze sediment-hosted disseminated gold (SHDG) deposit is the largest known deposit of its ...
This volume presents new data on a group of gold deposits that are hosted primarily within or in the...
The Fourmile gold deposit is a Carlin-type deposit discovered in the Cortez mining district, Nevada ...
The McDonald gold deposit is located in Lewis and Clark County near Lincoln, Montana and is divided ...
Native metals contain primary fluid inclusions that provide information on the P-T-X conditions asso...
It has been established that porphyry copper/copper-gold deposits have formed from I Ma to 2 Ga ago....
Concept-based orogenic gold exploration requires a scale-integrated approach using a robust mineral ...
The Abitibi granite-greenstone belt has long been known for its’ world-class Archean lode gold depos...