Diseminasi Online Model Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Nasabah Perbankan Akibat Force Majeour Covid-19 di Kota Mataram

  • Septyanun, Nurjannah
  • Rohayu H, Rina
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Publication date
August 2020
Yayasan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual


The relationship between the Force Majeure conditions resulting from COVID-19 with legal protection for banking clients affects the aspect of legal certainty and fairness. The normative aspect is crucial to be known and understood by all stakeholders, both the banking, the customer and the government through OJK and the legislature, concerning the legal basis of Force Majeure and the protection efforts for customers and banks. The condition of Force Majeure caused by the outbreak of COVID-19 is a condition of Majeure, based on Presidential Decree No. 12 of 2020. The presidential decree was the basis for the determination that Covid-19 was a national disaster. In that case, the banking must refer to the other legal provisions of article 1245...

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