Catedra oftalmologie, Centrul Naţional de Geriatrie și Gerontologie, Laboratorul știinţific de Gerontologie, USMF ,,Nicolae Testemiţanu”, I-a Conferinţă Internaţională de Geriatrie şi Gerontologie din Republica Moldova 21 septembrie 2012Wet form of age related macular degeneration is an increasing problem in ophthalmology. Current treatment options can delay progression and continue researches can discover new ways to halt and reverse the degenerative processes of the retina. The study was made on the examination results of two groups of patients that were investigated applying optical coherence tomography(OCT): the first basic group (22 patients, 22 eyes) that followed an intravitreal treatment with Avastin (Bevacizumab) and the cont...