An engaged colossal statue of Ramesses II, detail showing his upper torso and head; The temple of Gerf Hussein (originally known as Per Ptah, or the 'House of Ptah') is dedicated to Ramesses II, and was built by the Viceroy of Nubia, Setau. Originally it was partially free-standing, and partially rock-cut. During the flooding of Lake Nasser the free-standing section was dismantled and has been reconstructed at New Kalabsha. Most of the rock cut temple was left in place and is now submerged beneath the waters. "The last two temples of Ramesses II's reign, at Gerf Hussein and el-Derr, are of inferior workmanship. The temple at Gerf Hussein (now submerged beneath Lake Nasser) was slightly simpler in plan than Wadi el-Sebua, although it incorpo...