The United States Army Corp of Engineers, the agency responsible for issuing dredge and fill permits in the U.S., allowed Consolidated Papers Inc., of Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, to create and enhance wetlands on the Fontaine Mitigation Site (FMS) (9.5 ha) and the Nash Road Mitigation Site (NRMS) (14.6 ha) to mitigate for other wetland losses. I monitored these sites from February 1993 to August 1994 to evaluate changes in aquatic and terrestrial vegetation, aquatic invertebrates, wildlife use, water chemistry, and the hydroperiod fluctuations. During this 18 month period, 70 and 121 species of terrestrial plants, 42 and 32 aquatic invertebrate families, and 31 and 37 songbird species were identified on the FMS and NRMS, respe...