ABSTRACT Muhammad Rizki Suryawan. 2015. AKUNTABILITAS PERUSAHAAN DAERAH DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN OBJEK WISATA TAMAN SATWA TARU JURUG (Studi Kasus di Perusahaan Daerah Taman Satwa Taru Jurug Surakarta). Thesis. Major of Public Administration. Social and Political Sciences Faculty. Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. This study aimed to describe the accountability of public organizations namely the Regional Company Taman Satwa Taru Jurug in developing the attraction Taru Jurug Animal Park. Become important because accountability is a prerequisite for the creation of good governance. This study uses the theory developed by Koppel about the accountability of public organizations, namely transparency, Liabilities, Control, Responsibility and Respons...
Principles of accountability and transparency essentially intended to assess the performance of a go...
AhmadZaenalArifin,2020,administrationimplementation,transparency, accountability,reportingandmanage...
The success of region is largely determined by the commitment of the local government in the develop...
Accountability demands are now not only on the central and local governments, but the village govern...
The Regional Government has an obligation to report the results achieved in carrying out activities ...
Riset ini bertujuan buat menganalisis Alokasi dana desa yang diukur lewat akuntabilitas,Transparansi...
Tata kelola (governance) merupakan serangkaian proses dan peraturan yang mengatur hubungan antara pe...
Accountability is the obligation of government institutions to account, to answer and explain the su...
Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui sejauh mana penerapan prinsip akuntab...
This study aims to determine and describe the Accountability of Village Government in the Management...
Dalam menyelenggarakan kegiatan negara, Pemerintah wajib memberikan pertanggungjawaban atas setiap r...
The implementation of good governance lies in how far the collaboration between the three pillars of...
This research is backed by the opinion of the people who think that the village government of Bandar...
Akuntabilitas menjadi salah satu unsur pokok dalam mewujudkan good governance yang sedang dilakukan...
ABSTRAK Ayu Pratiwi. D0114023. Pelayanan Kesehatan bagi Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan di Rumah Tahanan...
Principles of accountability and transparency essentially intended to assess the performance of a go...
AhmadZaenalArifin,2020,administrationimplementation,transparency, accountability,reportingandmanage...
The success of region is largely determined by the commitment of the local government in the develop...
Accountability demands are now not only on the central and local governments, but the village govern...
The Regional Government has an obligation to report the results achieved in carrying out activities ...
Riset ini bertujuan buat menganalisis Alokasi dana desa yang diukur lewat akuntabilitas,Transparansi...
Tata kelola (governance) merupakan serangkaian proses dan peraturan yang mengatur hubungan antara pe...
Accountability is the obligation of government institutions to account, to answer and explain the su...
Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui sejauh mana penerapan prinsip akuntab...
This study aims to determine and describe the Accountability of Village Government in the Management...
Dalam menyelenggarakan kegiatan negara, Pemerintah wajib memberikan pertanggungjawaban atas setiap r...
The implementation of good governance lies in how far the collaboration between the three pillars of...
This research is backed by the opinion of the people who think that the village government of Bandar...
Akuntabilitas menjadi salah satu unsur pokok dalam mewujudkan good governance yang sedang dilakukan...
ABSTRAK Ayu Pratiwi. D0114023. Pelayanan Kesehatan bagi Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan di Rumah Tahanan...
Principles of accountability and transparency essentially intended to assess the performance of a go...
AhmadZaenalArifin,2020,administrationimplementation,transparency, accountability,reportingandmanage...
The success of region is largely determined by the commitment of the local government in the develop...