Summary : Alcohol policy and structural changes in the state : from control to selective regulation
Tuoreet tutkimukset viittaavat siihen, että viinapiru asuu ihmisessä, ei pullossa. Päinvastainen kä...
Summary : Pekka Kuusi and the roots of the policy pursued by the State Alcohol Monopoly of Finland t...
Summary: Experimental treatment of drink-driving offenders with alcohol problems
Summary: Women, socialscience oriented alcohol research, and alcohol control policy
Summary: Verbal descriptions of drinking occasions as interpreters of alcohol culture
Summary : Alcohol consumption and transformation of living conditions after the Second World War
Summary: Statistically unrecorded alcohol consumption during the period of the new alcohol legislati...
Summary: An exclusively male matter? Alcohol, gender and family in Finnish general magazines and wom...
Summary: Alcohol as a public issue; recent developments in alcoholic control in Poland
Summary : From temperance teaching to alcohol education : the Finnish press and alcohol policy, 1951...
Tarkastelen tutkimuksessani alkoholikeskustelua Suomessa ja Sveitsissä vuosina 1959-1968. Tutkimukse...
Summary: Alcoholism and heredity - new information presented in a biomedical congress
Kirja-arvostelu: Alkohol iNorge toim. OddvarArner & Ragnar Hauge & Ole-Jörgen Sko
Kirja-arvostelu: Alkoholi : biolääketieteellinen käsikirja. Toimittaneet Kalervo Kiianmaa, Mikko Sal...
Summary : Alcohol policy and structural changes in the state : from control to selective regulation
Tuoreet tutkimukset viittaavat siihen, että viinapiru asuu ihmisessä, ei pullossa. Päinvastainen kä...
Summary : Pekka Kuusi and the roots of the policy pursued by the State Alcohol Monopoly of Finland t...
Summary: Experimental treatment of drink-driving offenders with alcohol problems
Summary: Women, socialscience oriented alcohol research, and alcohol control policy
Summary: Verbal descriptions of drinking occasions as interpreters of alcohol culture
Summary : Alcohol consumption and transformation of living conditions after the Second World War
Summary: Statistically unrecorded alcohol consumption during the period of the new alcohol legislati...
Summary: An exclusively male matter? Alcohol, gender and family in Finnish general magazines and wom...
Summary: Alcohol as a public issue; recent developments in alcoholic control in Poland
Summary : From temperance teaching to alcohol education : the Finnish press and alcohol policy, 1951...
Tarkastelen tutkimuksessani alkoholikeskustelua Suomessa ja Sveitsissä vuosina 1959-1968. Tutkimukse...
Summary: Alcoholism and heredity - new information presented in a biomedical congress
Kirja-arvostelu: Alkohol iNorge toim. OddvarArner & Ragnar Hauge & Ole-Jörgen Sko
Kirja-arvostelu: Alkoholi : biolääketieteellinen käsikirja. Toimittaneet Kalervo Kiianmaa, Mikko Sal...
Summary : Alcohol policy and structural changes in the state : from control to selective regulation
Tuoreet tutkimukset viittaavat siihen, että viinapiru asuu ihmisessä, ei pullossa. Päinvastainen kä...
Summary : Pekka Kuusi and the roots of the policy pursued by the State Alcohol Monopoly of Finland t...