Let S and T be compact, 0-dimensional, Hausdorff spaces and let C(S) and C(T) denote the sup-normed Banach spaces of continuous maps on S. and T, respectively, into a complete nonarchimedean valued field F. If F were the reals, then S and T would be homeomorphic if and only if C(S) and C(T) were isometrically isomorphic ; moreover, the isometric isomorphism A : C(T) C(S) must be of the following type : For each x in C(T) and any s in S, Ax(s) = a(s)x(h(s)) for some homeomorphism A of S onto T and some nonva-nishing continuous map a defined on S. As we have shown earlier, there are other kinds of isometric isomorphisms when dealing with F-valued functions. In this paper we focus attention on "separating" linear maps A, maps with the property...