Serdyuk, A. Problem oriented policing in Kharkiv Region: first steps of implementation / А. Serdyuk, A. Markovska // Підготовка поліцейських в умовах реформування системи МВС України : зб. наук. пр. [конф. (м. Харків, 31 трав. 2019 р.)] / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ, Каф. тактич. та спец.-фіз. підгот. ф-ту № 2. - Харків: ХНУВС, 2019. - С. 25-28.Надано соціологічне дослідження поліцейської діяльності, засноване на моделі «ком'юніті полісінг» в Харківській області.Authors consider a survey from «Response Driven Policing» towards authentic «Community Policing» in Kharkiv region.Рассмотрено социологическое исследование полицейской деятельности, основанное на модели «комьюнити полисинг» в Харьковской области
The article researches the concept and types of Internet intermediaries. The peculiarities of the re...
Dvornichenko D. Yu. Ukraine's western border: risks and potential threats to national security / D. ...
The problem of a finding of ranging of the objects nearest to the cyclic relation set by the expert ...
Sazanova, L. S. Police education and training in wartime / L. S. Sazanova, L. I. Rusanova // Підгото...
Материалы XVIII Междунар. науч.-техн. конф. студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, Гомель, 26–27 ап...
В Україні в останнє десятиліття відбулися значні зміни в розвитку освіти з соціальної роботи, які с...
The problem of ensuring the quality of educational services is extremely important. It is known that...
The article is devoted to the study of the basic postulates of reforming the administrative-territor...
The article considers develop of model for reflexive determination of behavior strategies based on S...
This article is devoted to the methods in preparation of concrete, corporation between the American ...
Тези авторів присвячені основним теоретичним і практичним проблемам повітряного та космічного прав
Tests can be classified according to various criteria. The main classification is based on the purpo...
The article covers the historical aspects of public administration in education ofUkraine. The proce...
The article is sanctified to research of the administrative rule-making, as areas of legal science t...
Stress is a kind of normal generalized psychophysical and activation reaction to a threat coming fro...
The article researches the concept and types of Internet intermediaries. The peculiarities of the re...
Dvornichenko D. Yu. Ukraine's western border: risks and potential threats to national security / D. ...
The problem of a finding of ranging of the objects nearest to the cyclic relation set by the expert ...
Sazanova, L. S. Police education and training in wartime / L. S. Sazanova, L. I. Rusanova // Підгото...
Материалы XVIII Междунар. науч.-техн. конф. студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, Гомель, 26–27 ап...
В Україні в останнє десятиліття відбулися значні зміни в розвитку освіти з соціальної роботи, які с...
The problem of ensuring the quality of educational services is extremely important. It is known that...
The article is devoted to the study of the basic postulates of reforming the administrative-territor...
The article considers develop of model for reflexive determination of behavior strategies based on S...
This article is devoted to the methods in preparation of concrete, corporation between the American ...
Тези авторів присвячені основним теоретичним і практичним проблемам повітряного та космічного прав
Tests can be classified according to various criteria. The main classification is based on the purpo...
The article covers the historical aspects of public administration in education ofUkraine. The proce...
The article is sanctified to research of the administrative rule-making, as areas of legal science t...
Stress is a kind of normal generalized psychophysical and activation reaction to a threat coming fro...
The article researches the concept and types of Internet intermediaries. The peculiarities of the re...
Dvornichenko D. Yu. Ukraine's western border: risks and potential threats to national security / D. ...
The problem of a finding of ranging of the objects nearest to the cyclic relation set by the expert ...