Developing exploding box media for teaching social studies at fourth grades MI Ma'arif Kedensari Tanggulangin Sidoarjo

  • Ningrum, Serli Yuniati
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Publication date
July 2020


ENGLISH: Learning media is one of the important components used in teaching and learning activities to facilitate students in understanding material. Exploding Box is a visual-based learning media developed to support the learning of the history of the Hindu, Buddhist and Islamic kingdoms in class IV, especially on theme 5 "My Heroes". The purpose of this research and development are: (1) To produce development products in the form of exploding box learning media on the material history of the Hindu, Buddhist and Islamic kingdoms in Indonesia, (2) To find out the process of developing exploding box media and (3) To determine the level of media effectiveness learning in improving student learning outcomes. The research method used i...

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