These men and women were International House Program students at Jacksonville State College (now Jacksonville State University) in 1960-1961. Shown outside the International House (seated) are Stig Eyrik Bjorkqvist from Finland, Doris Baker of Piedmont, Fernan Peralta from Costa Rica, Carmen Rubio from Cuba, Jean Paul Dailly from Belgium, Merilyn Rumble from Australia, Mervette Faird from Egypt, (standing) Eunice Stephens of Gadsden, Marie Claire Charton from France, Hooshidar Bradipour from Iran, Diana Rampey of Gadsden, Sandra Plummer of Gadsden, Jolene Miller of Gadsden, Myriam Gateno from Colombia, William Vaughn of Homer Banks, GA, Carlos Zeller from Mexico, Malissa Morgan of Piedmont, Esperanza Vidal from Bolivia, Barbara Brown of Pel...