Pētījuma mērķis bija kontrolētos apstākļos pārbaudīt krastmalas skābenes izturību un jonu uzkrāšanos NaCl un smago metālu (kadmija, hroma, niķeļa un svina) sāļu ietekmē. Augus audzēja automātiskajā siltumnīcā, kur tos apstrādāja ar dažādām attiecīgās vielas koncentrācijām un mērīja hlorofila koncentrāciju un hlorofila a fluorescenci. Pēc novākšanas žāvētām auga daļām veica jonu analīzi. Krastmalas skābene izvairījās no jonu uzkrāšanas jaunajās lapās visos variantos. Savukārt uzkrāšanas vieta atšķīrās – Na, Cd un Ni maksimāli uzkrājās vecajās, nokaltušajās lapās, bet Cr un Pb saknēs. Pēc izmaiņām lapu hlorofila koncentrācijā un hlorofila a fluorescencē nevarēja paredzēt NaCl un smago metālu ietekmi uz augiem. Krastmalas skābene ir potenciāl...
Salt marshes are major sinks for heavy metals where plants are often exposed to polymetallic contami...
The objective of the present work was to evaluate the extent of Cd- and Cu-induced oxidative stress ...
In China, rapid growing population and economy are confronted with shortage of fresh water, food and...
Coastal areas in the world are not only suffered from salinization but are also contaminated with hi...
Hydroponic experiments were carried out using seedlings of the wetland halophyte species Kosteletzky...
Data regarding NaCl impact on halophyte plant species exposed to a polymetallic contamination remain...
Kosteletzkya virginica (L.) Presl. is aperennial wetland halophyte which could be exposed to heavy m...
The aim of the present study was to evaluate tolerance to salinity and different heavy metals as wel...
Experiments were conducted on the response of Plectranthus forsteri ‘Nico’ to NaCl. Plants were grow...
Pētījuma mērķis bija kontrolētos apstākļos pārbaudīt žoga dižtīteņa un Calystegia soldanella sālsiz...
The use of saline waters is an option for the irrigation of salt tolerant ornamentals as competition...
Darbā ir apkopota informācija par smagā metāla Mn nozīmi augos, kā arī tā negatīvo ietekmi uz augiem...
Phytomanagement of polycontaminated soils is challenging, especially in areas simultaneously affecte...
Given that the characteristic of free floating plants to uptake metals can have a positive effect on...
In this study, the concentration-dependent joint action of chromium (Cr) and salt (NaCl), two import...
Salt marshes are major sinks for heavy metals where plants are often exposed to polymetallic contami...
The objective of the present work was to evaluate the extent of Cd- and Cu-induced oxidative stress ...
In China, rapid growing population and economy are confronted with shortage of fresh water, food and...
Coastal areas in the world are not only suffered from salinization but are also contaminated with hi...
Hydroponic experiments were carried out using seedlings of the wetland halophyte species Kosteletzky...
Data regarding NaCl impact on halophyte plant species exposed to a polymetallic contamination remain...
Kosteletzkya virginica (L.) Presl. is aperennial wetland halophyte which could be exposed to heavy m...
The aim of the present study was to evaluate tolerance to salinity and different heavy metals as wel...
Experiments were conducted on the response of Plectranthus forsteri ‘Nico’ to NaCl. Plants were grow...
Pētījuma mērķis bija kontrolētos apstākļos pārbaudīt žoga dižtīteņa un Calystegia soldanella sālsiz...
The use of saline waters is an option for the irrigation of salt tolerant ornamentals as competition...
Darbā ir apkopota informācija par smagā metāla Mn nozīmi augos, kā arī tā negatīvo ietekmi uz augiem...
Phytomanagement of polycontaminated soils is challenging, especially in areas simultaneously affecte...
Given that the characteristic of free floating plants to uptake metals can have a positive effect on...
In this study, the concentration-dependent joint action of chromium (Cr) and salt (NaCl), two import...
Salt marshes are major sinks for heavy metals where plants are often exposed to polymetallic contami...
The objective of the present work was to evaluate the extent of Cd- and Cu-induced oxidative stress ...
In China, rapid growing population and economy are confronted with shortage of fresh water, food and...