Darba mērķis bija iegūt parastā apiņa in vitro augu un audu (kallusu) kultūras un raksturot no tām, kā arī no lapu drogām, iegūtu ekstraktu antiradikālo un antimikrobiālo aktivitāti. In vitro augu un audu kultūru ieguvei tika ievākti trīs apiņa šķirņu paraugi. Analizējot kopējo fenolu saturu, antiradikālo un antimikrobiālo aktivitāti, tika savstarpēji salīdzināti drogu, in vitro augu un kallusu kultūru ekstrakti, kā arī izvērtētas efektivākās ekstrakcijas metodes. Kallusu kultūras tika iegūtas uz ar augšanas regulatoriem bagātinātas McCown Woody Plant barotnes. Lielāko fenolu savienojumu saturu un augstāko antiradikālo aktivitāti uzrādīja visu šķirņu drogu ekstrakti, vienlaikus antimikrobiālā aktivitāte tika novērota arī divu šķirņu in vitr...
This thesis describes development and optimalization of method for identification of polyphenols com...
Właściwości prozdrowotne substancji pochodzenia roślinnego są obecnie jednym z głównych kierunków ba...
The antimicrobial activity of hop extracts obtained from different hop genotypes were investigated a...
In addition to their importance in beer brewing, hops have been used in traditional herbal medicines...
Humulus lupulus L. is a species of the Cannabaceae family. Hop, as it is commonly known, is a perenn...
Šio darbo tikslas – atlikti laukinių ir lietuviškų veislių apynių spurgų fitocheminę analizę, įverti...
This project was financed by Research Council of Lithuania project No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-03-0133Hop (...
Humulus lupulus L., commonly named hop, is well-known for its sedative and estrogenic activity. Whil...
Humulus lupulus L. is a species in the Cannabaceae family. Hop, as it is commonly known, is a peren...
Humulus lupulus L., commonly named hop, is well-known for its sedative and estrogenic activity. Whil...
In this study, we investigated the phenolic compounds in hop strobile extracts and evaluated their a...
This project was financed by Research Council of Lithuania project No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-03-0133Hop (...
The hop plant (Humulus lupulus) is used not only in brewing but also in phytopharmacology and phytot...
A poster discussing the extraction of hops for the unique bacterial properties that hops contain
This thesis deals with growing hops technology, its use, the use of elicitation and herbal products ...
This thesis describes development and optimalization of method for identification of polyphenols com...
Właściwości prozdrowotne substancji pochodzenia roślinnego są obecnie jednym z głównych kierunków ba...
The antimicrobial activity of hop extracts obtained from different hop genotypes were investigated a...
In addition to their importance in beer brewing, hops have been used in traditional herbal medicines...
Humulus lupulus L. is a species of the Cannabaceae family. Hop, as it is commonly known, is a perenn...
Šio darbo tikslas – atlikti laukinių ir lietuviškų veislių apynių spurgų fitocheminę analizę, įverti...
This project was financed by Research Council of Lithuania project No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-03-0133Hop (...
Humulus lupulus L., commonly named hop, is well-known for its sedative and estrogenic activity. Whil...
Humulus lupulus L. is a species in the Cannabaceae family. Hop, as it is commonly known, is a peren...
Humulus lupulus L., commonly named hop, is well-known for its sedative and estrogenic activity. Whil...
In this study, we investigated the phenolic compounds in hop strobile extracts and evaluated their a...
This project was financed by Research Council of Lithuania project No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-03-0133Hop (...
The hop plant (Humulus lupulus) is used not only in brewing but also in phytopharmacology and phytot...
A poster discussing the extraction of hops for the unique bacterial properties that hops contain
This thesis deals with growing hops technology, its use, the use of elicitation and herbal products ...
This thesis describes development and optimalization of method for identification of polyphenols com...
Właściwości prozdrowotne substancji pochodzenia roślinnego są obecnie jednym z głównych kierunków ba...
The antimicrobial activity of hop extracts obtained from different hop genotypes were investigated a...