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The European education area.Topics: importance of experience abroad; own stay abroad as: school pupi...
The following paper critically discusses the idea of a learning platform for teaching and learning a...
During the last five years higher education research in Germany seems to be in a significant upturn....
This Synopsis of Indicators presents the findings of the seventh round of the EURO-STUDENT project. ...
Im Projekt EUROSTUDENT werden Daten zu den sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen des Studi...
"The EUROSTUDENT V - Synopsis of Indicators is the central publication of the EUROSTUDENT project an...
The mobility of researchers in Europe is a key issue toward a better coordination andalignment of Re...
埼玉県越谷市This paper will take a look at student mobility in the European Union and in France. Student M...
This paper studies the economic determinants of intra-european student mobility. We constructed a pa...
The bachelor thesis deals with the European Union programmes to support education and mobility, with...
The globalization of higher education, through the mobility of students, has grown considerably over...
The thesis addresses the recent tension around student mobility and tries to answer the overarching ...
Główną linię artykułu stanowi kwestia mobilności studentów i kadry akademickiej jako czynnika wspier...
Der Beitrag untersucht die internationale Mobilität der WissenschaftlerInnen an Hochschulen im europ...
This paper studies the economic determinants of intra-european student mobility. We constructed a pa...
The European education area.Topics: importance of experience abroad; own stay abroad as: school pupi...
The following paper critically discusses the idea of a learning platform for teaching and learning a...
During the last five years higher education research in Germany seems to be in a significant upturn....
This Synopsis of Indicators presents the findings of the seventh round of the EURO-STUDENT project. ...
Im Projekt EUROSTUDENT werden Daten zu den sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen des Studi...
"The EUROSTUDENT V - Synopsis of Indicators is the central publication of the EUROSTUDENT project an...
The mobility of researchers in Europe is a key issue toward a better coordination andalignment of Re...
埼玉県越谷市This paper will take a look at student mobility in the European Union and in France. Student M...
This paper studies the economic determinants of intra-european student mobility. We constructed a pa...
The bachelor thesis deals with the European Union programmes to support education and mobility, with...
The globalization of higher education, through the mobility of students, has grown considerably over...
The thesis addresses the recent tension around student mobility and tries to answer the overarching ...
Główną linię artykułu stanowi kwestia mobilności studentów i kadry akademickiej jako czynnika wspier...
Der Beitrag untersucht die internationale Mobilität der WissenschaftlerInnen an Hochschulen im europ...
This paper studies the economic determinants of intra-european student mobility. We constructed a pa...
The European education area.Topics: importance of experience abroad; own stay abroad as: school pupi...
The following paper critically discusses the idea of a learning platform for teaching and learning a...
During the last five years higher education research in Germany seems to be in a significant upturn....