V projektni nalogi se osredotočamo na prenovo obstoječe družinske hiše iz 60-tih let ter dograditve in adaptacije hiše v 90-tih. Naloga je sestavljena iz analitičnega in projektnega dela. Prenova hiše je s pomočjo rušitve, dograditve in adaptacije obstoječega stanja usmerjena k oblikovanju funkcionalne, ekonomične in vizualno privlačnejše arhitekture, s katero se povečata udobje in kakovost bivanja.This project work focuses on the renovation of a family house that was build in the 60\u27s and the extension and adaptation of the house in the 90\u27s. The project is consisted of the analytical part and the design part. The house renovation with the support of demolition, extension and adaptation of the existing building is directed towards th...