An account of the whaling and sealing industries of Van Diemen's Land to 1850

  • Murray, Leonard Charles
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Publication date
January 1927


The whaling industry, which became so important in the later history of Van Dieman's Land, was closely connected with the first settlement. When the "Porpoise" was unable to sail to the Derwent with the first contingent, her place was filled by the "Albion", a British South Sea whaler. Whaling captains regarded their business seriously, and Captain Ebor Bunker was no exception. If whales showed up on the way the establishment of His Majesty's Colony would have to wait until the more: important business was disposed of. Govenor King drew up a memorandum for the guidance of Lieutenant Bowen, 'and in it he stated: "If boats are put off to catch fish every convict must be handcuffed and confined below until the boats return

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