The monthly meeting of the Royal Society of Tasmania was held on Monday evening, 11th August. Mr. James Barnard, V. P., occupied the chair. Mr. J. McAlpin, F.L.S., Edinburgh, was introduced as a visitor. A very large number of Fellows were present. The following were duly elected as Fellows of the Society:—Miss Mary Lodder, the Hon. John Lord, M.L.C., Rev. John Vansittart Buckland, B.A., Messrs. Crawford John Maxwell, J. R. McClymont, M.A., W. Saville Kent, F.L.S., F.G.S., etc., W. Harvey Buckland, B.A., H. C. Kingsmill, B.A., J. McCance, F.R.A.S., R. Sydney Milles, C.E., Chas. Ellis Davies, J. G. Davies, Philip Seager, Henry Cook, jun., T. C. Just, W. H. Charpentier, Frederick Pedder, Alex. North. The Hon. Secretary brought forw...