48 Miscellaneous items (Found in 'information' files) 1. Photocopy of Governor Darling's proclamation 1827 AGRICULTURE 2. Curzon Allport to Dr. Milligan 24 Jan. 1856- Comments on wheat. 3. Horace Rowcroft to Dr Milligan on triple eared Egyptian wheat. 5 Feb. 1856 4. Hugh M. Hull's report on experiments with Canadian seeds from the Paris exhibition 29 Mar. 1859 5. Hugh M. Hull to enclose ears of Oregon barley and also of wheat from seeds 'found on the Royal Society's table last year'. 7. William Little to James Barnard, Hon. Sec. Royal Society 10 Jul.1883 - on cable-gramming his agricultural plans and reply that it was not in the power of the Society. 8. Notes on Sphonia gunnii or fungus grub by Mr Hawkes passed on by R.C. Gunn...