U članku autor govori o zadarskom arhitektu Bartulu Taminu koji je djelovao i kao konzervator na području sjeverne Dalmacije. Nastojao je sačuvati crkvu sv. Ivana na Rabu, benediktinske samostane u Ninu i na Pašmanu i kninsku tvrđavu, a radio je i na obnovi sv. Nikole i sv. Križa u Ninu.Bartul Tamino from Zadar graduated from the Vienna Technical School in 1874. He was employed in the State Construction Service of the province of Dalmatia at Zadar. He executed Plans fro the building of the additional elevation of the belfry of the Cathedral at Zadar started already in the 15th century. The works were carryed aut to the plans by the English architect T. G. Jackson. In 1893 he was appointed the conservator of the Central Commission for the Ex...