Art historian Timo de Rijk was appointed Professor of Design, Culture and Society in Delft and Leiden last September. He calls this combination ‘a real breakthrough’. ‘Leiden University studies the workings of culture, while TU Delft aims at creating new things. These are fundamentally different approaches. I am the bridge between the two.’Industrial Design Engineerin
In 1932, Herman Rosse (1887-1965) was appointed professor at the decorativearts department of Delft ...
Dit rapport is het resultaat van het in opdracht van de TU/e verrichte onderzoek naar de cultuur- en...
Jenny de Boer was recently awarded the Delft University Fund’s ‘Marina van Damme’ grant for talented...
project is done under guidance of Witteveen en Bos and Rijkswaterstraat as an academic researc
Mijnheer de Rector Magnificus, leden van het College van Bestuur, Decaan van de faculteit TBM, colle...
De Rijke was one of ten ‘Explorers’ out of 500 applicants the British Council selected to take part ...
De stedenbouwkundige en architect Wouter Veldhuis en landschapsarchitect Jannemarie de Jonge zijn pe...
In oktober 1970 bracht het tijdschrift Plan een themanummer uit over het wetenschappelijk onderwijs ...
Delft University of Technology has a large, varied set of buildings in all kinds of forms and styles...
Delft University of Technology has a large, varied set of buildings in all kinds of forms and styles...
OverHolland studies the relationship between architectural interventions and urban transformation, ...
De technische universiteiten in Delft en Eindhoven waren in Nederland de eerste waarvoor na de Tweed...
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is the leading institution in the Netherlands for research...
From the first coachload of Indonesian students to the 1,500 international students who joined Maste...
In this essay, the Delft Approach refers to a particular landscape architecture approach to understa...
In 1932, Herman Rosse (1887-1965) was appointed professor at the decorativearts department of Delft ...
Dit rapport is het resultaat van het in opdracht van de TU/e verrichte onderzoek naar de cultuur- en...
Jenny de Boer was recently awarded the Delft University Fund’s ‘Marina van Damme’ grant for talented...
project is done under guidance of Witteveen en Bos and Rijkswaterstraat as an academic researc
Mijnheer de Rector Magnificus, leden van het College van Bestuur, Decaan van de faculteit TBM, colle...
De Rijke was one of ten ‘Explorers’ out of 500 applicants the British Council selected to take part ...
De stedenbouwkundige en architect Wouter Veldhuis en landschapsarchitect Jannemarie de Jonge zijn pe...
In oktober 1970 bracht het tijdschrift Plan een themanummer uit over het wetenschappelijk onderwijs ...
Delft University of Technology has a large, varied set of buildings in all kinds of forms and styles...
Delft University of Technology has a large, varied set of buildings in all kinds of forms and styles...
OverHolland studies the relationship between architectural interventions and urban transformation, ...
De technische universiteiten in Delft en Eindhoven waren in Nederland de eerste waarvoor na de Tweed...
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is the leading institution in the Netherlands for research...
From the first coachload of Indonesian students to the 1,500 international students who joined Maste...
In this essay, the Delft Approach refers to a particular landscape architecture approach to understa...
In 1932, Herman Rosse (1887-1965) was appointed professor at the decorativearts department of Delft ...
Dit rapport is het resultaat van het in opdracht van de TU/e verrichte onderzoek naar de cultuur- en...
Jenny de Boer was recently awarded the Delft University Fund’s ‘Marina van Damme’ grant for talented...