[[abstract]]本研究開發出一可撓式葡萄糖感測器,以溶氧感測(Dissolved oxygen)原理為基礎,利用聚對二甲苯(Parylene)為底材,在基材上沉積金屬作為電極(Electrode),並調配出葡萄糖氧化酵素膜(Glucose oxidase film),將其塗佈於金屬感測電極上,完成可撓式葡萄糖感測器之製作。將製作完成之可撓式葡萄糖感測器置於磷酸鹽緩衝液(PBS) 之中,水溫26℃,並量測10-4 M、10-3 M、5×10-3 M、10-2 M之葡萄糖濃度,驗證此葡萄糖感測晶片之性能。 根據結果顯示,利用循環伏安法(Cyclic Voltammetry),於不同葡萄糖濃度之PBS中量測結果,繪製出電流與葡萄糖濃度之校正曲線圖,藉由此曲線圖計算出可撓式葡萄糖感測晶片之靈敏度為 2 53 μA mM-1cm-2、線性關係R2為0 9858。[[abstract]]A flexible dissolved oxygen sensor is developed in this study based on electrochemical principles parylene is used as the substrate the metal as the electrode This flexible glucose sensor is completed The flexible glucose sensor is achieved at 26℃ and measuring 10-4 M、10-3 M、5×10-3 M and 10-2 M of glucose concentration Cyclic voltammetry app...
International audienceA new miniaturized glucose oxidase based needle-type glu¬ cose mlcrosensor has...
The development of glucose and other metabolic implantable biosensors is an area of intense research...
ABSTRACT Importance: Diabetes is a common world-wide disease characterized by insulin resistance and...
人體中葡萄糖濃度(Glucose concentration)是糖尿病治療、診斷與監控的黃金指標。傳統上所使用的葡萄糖感測器,是利用葡萄糖與電極上的酵素結合,透過化學反應產生與葡萄糖濃度成正比的電流來...
本計畫嘗試設計積體化電極電路,並 簡化製程、以穩定品質、降低成本,並嘗 試引進微機電系統(MEMS)與半導體技術, 試圖創新血糖濃度量測感器之研製。這個 系統包含了微感測器(Microsensor)、...
Background: Currently, monitoring blood glucose levels for diabetic patients is invasive and painful...
The detection of glucose is an essential part of diabetes management and can help to prevent seconda...
The concentration analyzer with high precision and wide range is the core device for monitoring the ...
Abstract only availableFaculty Mentor: Dr. Sheila Grant, Biological EngineeringOptical biological se...
Diabetes treatment presents a significant societal challenge and many diagnostic tools are developed...
[[abstract]]In this study, an electron mediator and a simple immobilization process are adopted to f...
本論文提出了利用擴散原理於微流控光學矽晶片上量測血糖濃度差別的方法。本論文研究了兩種擴散情形:單純擴散情形以及系統周圍外加水流(流動率10 ul/min)的擴散情形。此兩種情形皆經過COMSOL模擬和...
Amperometric enzyme electrode for glucose based on collagen membrane was developed. The glucose oxid...
International audienceA new miniaturized glucose oxidase based needle-type glu¬ cose mlcrosensor has...
The development of glucose and other metabolic implantable biosensors is an area of intense research...
ABSTRACT Importance: Diabetes is a common world-wide disease characterized by insulin resistance and...
人體中葡萄糖濃度(Glucose concentration)是糖尿病治療、診斷與監控的黃金指標。傳統上所使用的葡萄糖感測器,是利用葡萄糖與電極上的酵素結合,透過化學反應產生與葡萄糖濃度成正比的電流來...
本計畫嘗試設計積體化電極電路,並 簡化製程、以穩定品質、降低成本,並嘗 試引進微機電系統(MEMS)與半導體技術, 試圖創新血糖濃度量測感器之研製。這個 系統包含了微感測器(Microsensor)、...
Background: Currently, monitoring blood glucose levels for diabetic patients is invasive and painful...
The detection of glucose is an essential part of diabetes management and can help to prevent seconda...
The concentration analyzer with high precision and wide range is the core device for monitoring the ...
Abstract only availableFaculty Mentor: Dr. Sheila Grant, Biological EngineeringOptical biological se...
Diabetes treatment presents a significant societal challenge and many diagnostic tools are developed...
[[abstract]]In this study, an electron mediator and a simple immobilization process are adopted to f...
本論文提出了利用擴散原理於微流控光學矽晶片上量測血糖濃度差別的方法。本論文研究了兩種擴散情形:單純擴散情形以及系統周圍外加水流(流動率10 ul/min)的擴散情形。此兩種情形皆經過COMSOL模擬和...
Amperometric enzyme electrode for glucose based on collagen membrane was developed. The glucose oxid...
International audienceA new miniaturized glucose oxidase based needle-type glu¬ cose mlcrosensor has...
The development of glucose and other metabolic implantable biosensors is an area of intense research...
ABSTRACT Importance: Diabetes is a common world-wide disease characterized by insulin resistance and...