The distinctive habit and branching pattern creates an interesting texture in the dormant season.
The dark green color and dense pyramidal habit looks especially beautiful in the winter
The broad habit and stout branching creates a unique winter silhouette. The large lower branches are...
The thick, full branches and irregular habit makes bristlecone pine especially attractive in winter....
Taxodium distichum is a large pyramidal to conical shaped tree. Its fine-textured needle-like summer...
The winter interest would not be considered overwhelming to most but the fine textured pyramidal for...
The leaves of Taxodium are bright green when they emerge, fading to a soft, sage green in summer. Th...
The habit, alternate-spiral arrangement of the needle-like deciduous foliage, and fall color will be...
The interesting, irregular habit looks especially attractive in winter.
The horizontal branching pattern of Larix decidua is especially noticeable with new fallen snow.http...
The dense formal habit and subtle ornamental bark creates a distinctive winter silhouette.https://dc...
Buds form on the persistent woody stems in an alternate/spiral arrangement. They are small and sligh...
Typical evergreen winter interest.
The distinctive form, fine textured twigs, persistent fruit and male catkins create textural interes...
The dark green foliage adds to the winter landscape.
The smooth, gray, fluted bark and branches adds a subtle beauty to the winter landscape.https://dc.c...
The dark green color and dense pyramidal habit looks especially beautiful in the winter
The broad habit and stout branching creates a unique winter silhouette. The large lower branches are...
The thick, full branches and irregular habit makes bristlecone pine especially attractive in winter....
Taxodium distichum is a large pyramidal to conical shaped tree. Its fine-textured needle-like summer...
The winter interest would not be considered overwhelming to most but the fine textured pyramidal for...
The leaves of Taxodium are bright green when they emerge, fading to a soft, sage green in summer. Th...
The habit, alternate-spiral arrangement of the needle-like deciduous foliage, and fall color will be...
The interesting, irregular habit looks especially attractive in winter.
The horizontal branching pattern of Larix decidua is especially noticeable with new fallen snow.http...
The dense formal habit and subtle ornamental bark creates a distinctive winter silhouette.https://dc...
Buds form on the persistent woody stems in an alternate/spiral arrangement. They are small and sligh...
Typical evergreen winter interest.
The distinctive form, fine textured twigs, persistent fruit and male catkins create textural interes...
The dark green foliage adds to the winter landscape.
The smooth, gray, fluted bark and branches adds a subtle beauty to the winter landscape.https://dc.c...
The dark green color and dense pyramidal habit looks especially beautiful in the winter
The broad habit and stout branching creates a unique winter silhouette. The large lower branches are...
The thick, full branches and irregular habit makes bristlecone pine especially attractive in winter....