Illuminated Manuscripts on the Web: Brief Inventory of Manuscripts in Stams Abbey in Tyrol (translation of the title). The Brief Inventories were developed by art historians at the Commission for Paleography and Codicology of Medieval Manuscripts (Kommission für Schrift- und Buchwesen des Mittelalters – KSBM) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften – ÖAW). The Brief Inventory describing the library holdings of Stams Abbey ( is the second achievement of an innovative project which aims to present all of illuminated manuscripts preserved in selected small collections in Austria thus enabling the user to gain a comprehensive overview. The goal o...
The most useful 21 links 1. Digitized manuscript catalogs (Brigitte Pfeil) http://www.ub.uni-kassel....
From the 16th to the 19th century, illuminated manuscripts were acquired by the great printer-publis...
Vorwort signed: Vinzenz Werl.MS.Photocopy of MS. in the Göttweig abbey library.Mode of access: Inter...
Illuminated Manuscripts on the Web: Brief Inventory of Manuscripts in Stams Abbey in Tyrol (translat...
Tyrolean manuscripts in - insights and outlook (translation of the title). The pu...
The contribuition presents an online-repository of illuminated manuscripts preseved in the abbey Sta...
Vol. 1-2, covering codices 1-452, prepared by H. Pfeiffer and B. Cernik, were published in Vienna, 1...
The history of the Tyrolean manuscript libraries and their disclosure (translation of the title). Mu...
Für Laien, die mit dem Thema nicht so viel anfangen können, gibt es eine kleine Einführung. "This da...
The catalogue contains manuscript descriptions of smaller collections from the county of Salzburg, e...
The disclosure of the numerous Austrian manuscripts libraries and their publication in printed catal...
The catalogue contains manuscript descriptions of smaller collections from the county of Salzburg, e...
An initiative to develop a concerted national programme for the digitization of medieval manuscripts... Die Datenbank von Hanno Wijsman mit über 3700 Handschrifte... Es steht der gesamte Katalog der Stamser Handschrift...
The most useful 21 links 1. Digitized manuscript catalogs (Brigitte Pfeil) http://www.ub.uni-kassel....
From the 16th to the 19th century, illuminated manuscripts were acquired by the great printer-publis...
Vorwort signed: Vinzenz Werl.MS.Photocopy of MS. in the Göttweig abbey library.Mode of access: Inter...
Illuminated Manuscripts on the Web: Brief Inventory of Manuscripts in Stams Abbey in Tyrol (translat...
Tyrolean manuscripts in - insights and outlook (translation of the title). The pu...
The contribuition presents an online-repository of illuminated manuscripts preseved in the abbey Sta...
Vol. 1-2, covering codices 1-452, prepared by H. Pfeiffer and B. Cernik, were published in Vienna, 1...
The history of the Tyrolean manuscript libraries and their disclosure (translation of the title). Mu...
Für Laien, die mit dem Thema nicht so viel anfangen können, gibt es eine kleine Einführung. "This da...
The catalogue contains manuscript descriptions of smaller collections from the county of Salzburg, e...
The disclosure of the numerous Austrian manuscripts libraries and their publication in printed catal...
The catalogue contains manuscript descriptions of smaller collections from the county of Salzburg, e...
An initiative to develop a concerted national programme for the digitization of medieval manuscripts... Die Datenbank von Hanno Wijsman mit über 3700 Handschrifte... Es steht der gesamte Katalog der Stamser Handschrift...
The most useful 21 links 1. Digitized manuscript catalogs (Brigitte Pfeil) http://www.ub.uni-kassel....
From the 16th to the 19th century, illuminated manuscripts were acquired by the great printer-publis...
Vorwort signed: Vinzenz Werl.MS.Photocopy of MS. in the Göttweig abbey library.Mode of access: Inter...