Mammalian 14-3-3 proteins play a crucial role in the activation process of RAF kinases. However, little is known about the selectivity of the mammalian 14-3-3 isoforms with respect to RAF association and activation. Using mass spectrometry, we analyzed the composition of the 14-3-3 isoforms attached to RAF kinases and found that B-RAF associates in vivo with 14-3-3 at much higher diversity than A- and C-RAF. We also examined in vitro binding of purified mammalian 14-3-3 proteins to RAF kinases using surface plasmon resonance techniques. While B- and C-RAF exhibited binding to all seven 14-3-3 isoforms, A-RAF bound with considerably lower affinities to epsilon, tau, and sigma 14-3-3. These findings indicate that 14-3-3 proteins associate wit...