During April, 2005 a survey of the macroscopic aquatic vegetation was carried out in the basins of the Foix, Llobregat, and Besòs rivers with a total of 68 sampling stations. The main objective was to assess the trophic status of those basins by means of a Spanish macrophyte index called IVAM (Macroscopic Aquatic Vegetation Index). Forty-four taxa were identified: 8 genera of Cyanophyta, 5 of Rodophyta, 2 of Xantophyceae, 3 of Bacillariophyceae, 15 of Clorophyta, 8 of Spermatophyta, 1 lichen, and 2 bryophytes (mosses and liverworts). The Llobregat basin was the most diverse (37 taxa), followed by Besòs (33) and Foix (25). The most common taxa were Cladophora, Vaucheria, Oedogonium, Apium, Rorippa and Oscillatoria, along with mosses. Phanero...