This article seeks to resurrect the “causal theory”‘ of the criminal law’s excuses. While the causal theory fits some of our most important and most humane moral intuitions in a way that no other theory of the excuses does, it gets little play in current criminal theory. This article argues that criminal theory should give causal theory a second look. I. Introduction . . . . . 1117 II. Causal Theory Defined . . . . . 1119 A. The Claims Made by Causal Theory . . . . . 1120 1. The First Claim: The Excuse Accepts a “Causal Account” . . . . . 1120 2. The Second Claim: The Excuse Expresses the Control Principle . . . . . 1123 B. Causal Explanation and the Criminal Law’s Excuses . . . . . 1126 III. The Contemporary Critique . . . . . 1131 A. The ...