CONTENTS Preface Session 1. Quechua and Navajo Textiles: Teaching Tradition Through Weaving Quechua Textiles: Preserving a Living Tradition Nilda Callanaupa 1 Navajo Weaver as a Teacher of Traditional Textile Arts Pearl Sunrise 3 Session 2. Andean Textile Analyses, past and Present The Aristocracy of Color among Kolla Communities in the Andes of Northwest Argentina Andrea Fuch 4 The Order of Things in Ancient Peru Visual Metaphors in Wari-associated DWW TextilesJane Rehl 9 Session 3. The Washita (Lodge Pole River) Massacre Blanket: from Southwestern Loom to Cheyenne Village and Beyond The Washita Chief Blanket: Part I, Textile AnalysisPeggy Whitehead and Joyce Herold 21 The Washita Chief Blanket: Part II, Provenance and Ethnohistory Joy...