Endokrine Disruptoren sind Umweltsubstanzen, die in das Hormonsystem von Organismen eingreifen, und dadurch zu schädlichen Wirkungen führen. Sie entfalten ihre Wirkung entweder, indem sie den Hormonstoffwechsel stören oder indem sie die Wirkung von Hormonen imitieren. Eine wichtige Gruppe von endokrinen Disruptoren in der aquatischen Umwelt sind Stoffe, die an Östrogenrezeptoren binden und dadurch wie das weibliche Sexualhormon, 17β-Östradiol wirken. Zu den Umweltöstrogenen gehören sowohl synthetische Chemikalien wie auch natürliche Substanzen. Sowohl Laborversuche wie Felduntersuchungen an Fischen haben gezeigt, dass bereits sehr niedrige Konzentrationen von Umweltöstrogenen in Gewässern in der Lage sind, Störungen des Hormonsystems auszul...
An extensive study was carried out in the Netherlands on the occurrence of a number of estrogenic co...
The exposure of male bream from three Dutch freshwater locations to endocrine disrupting compounds (...
The results of a literature survey into the consequences of hormone disrupting, and more in particul...
Since two decades, endocrine disruptors, defined as substances adversely affecting human heaLth or w...
Since two decades, endocrine disruptors, defined as substances adversely affecting human health or w...
The progress of modern society has brought along the issue of environmental contamination with vario...
Although the hypothesis that environmental chemicals may exhibit endocrine disrupting effects is not...
İnsanların kullanımları sonucunda oluşan ve endokrin sistemi bozan kimyasallar (EBk), omurgalılarda ...
In addition to endogenous natural sex hormones (estrogens), other substances can also exert an estro...
There has been a great deal of international discussion on the nature and relevance of endocrine dis...
It is well established that certain environmental chemicals are able to disrupt endocrine func-tion ...
In last years endocrine disruption constitutes one of the most important research lines on Ecotoxico...
En los últimos años se ha puesto en evidencia que muchas sustancias químicas de origen antropogénico...
Natural estrogens are a group of steroid hormones that include the main active hormones, 17ß-estradi...
The endocrine system is a complex set of hormone-producing glands that regulate biological processes...
An extensive study was carried out in the Netherlands on the occurrence of a number of estrogenic co...
The exposure of male bream from three Dutch freshwater locations to endocrine disrupting compounds (...
The results of a literature survey into the consequences of hormone disrupting, and more in particul...
Since two decades, endocrine disruptors, defined as substances adversely affecting human heaLth or w...
Since two decades, endocrine disruptors, defined as substances adversely affecting human health or w...
The progress of modern society has brought along the issue of environmental contamination with vario...
Although the hypothesis that environmental chemicals may exhibit endocrine disrupting effects is not...
İnsanların kullanımları sonucunda oluşan ve endokrin sistemi bozan kimyasallar (EBk), omurgalılarda ...
In addition to endogenous natural sex hormones (estrogens), other substances can also exert an estro...
There has been a great deal of international discussion on the nature and relevance of endocrine dis...
It is well established that certain environmental chemicals are able to disrupt endocrine func-tion ...
In last years endocrine disruption constitutes one of the most important research lines on Ecotoxico...
En los últimos años se ha puesto en evidencia que muchas sustancias químicas de origen antropogénico...
Natural estrogens are a group of steroid hormones that include the main active hormones, 17ß-estradi...
The endocrine system is a complex set of hormone-producing glands that regulate biological processes...
An extensive study was carried out in the Netherlands on the occurrence of a number of estrogenic co...
The exposure of male bream from three Dutch freshwater locations to endocrine disrupting compounds (...
The results of a literature survey into the consequences of hormone disrupting, and more in particul...