India has a coastline of 8,129km, 0.5 million sq km of continental shelf, 2.02 million sq km of EEZ and an estimated annual marine fishery potential of 3.9 milliom tonnes. In addition, the vast areas of the coast offer sites for sea farming and marine aquaculture. This chapter provides information on the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI): its historical prospective, mandate and research achievements in capture fisheries, mariculture (Penaeus, Panulirus), pearl culture (Pinctada fucata), seaweed culture (Gracilaria), breeding of groupers (Epinephelus tauvina)and Damsel fish (Pomacentrus arenarius) and spineless cuttlefish in captivity (Sepiella inermis), and hatchery production of clownfish (Amphiprion chrysogaster). CMFRI'...