Two female pilot whales of the species Globicephala macrorhynca Gray) measuring 302 cm and 140 cm respectively were caught in gill nets during fishing operation at Pudukuppam fish landing centre near Cuddalore on 29 July
Heavy landings of Metapenaeus dobsoni was observed during 12th to 18th July, 1988 along the southern...
A Baleen whale (Balaenoptera sp) was caught on 7.4 April by a drift net operated 7 km off Vizhinj...
A small pod of Short-finned pilot whale Globicephala macrorhynchus (Gray, 1846) was observed durin...
An estimated total quantity of 27 tonnes of cuttlefish (Sepia spp.) was landed by trawl nets at C...
A female whale Balaenoptera borealis measuring 9.76 m in total length, 1.83 m in width and weighi...
Two young female pilot whales Globicephala macrorhyma were caught in the gill nets by a 10 m mechan...
Forty whale sharks of the species Rhineodon typus were caught by Veraval fishermen during the fir...
A large specimen of black marlin identified as Makaira indica (Cuvier 1832) was caught by a gilln...
Four false killer whales were seen swimming in the Mandapam Bay, on the Palk Bay side at a depth ...
Stranding of a ballen whale (Balaenoptera borealis) measuring 12m in length was reported from Tut...
A male whale shark, Rhiniodon typus, 548cm Total length of about 2.5 tonnes, was caught entangled ...
During the last few years a number of strandings of whales, dolphins, and porpoises have been detect...
A whale shark, Rhiniodon typus landed on 8 January at Medha, Malvan coast by a gillnet. The length...
The large scale mortality of about 147 pilot whales, probably of the species Globicephala melaena,...
On 27--7-76, when one of the mechanised fishing vessels belonging to the Andaman and Nicobar Admini...
Heavy landings of Metapenaeus dobsoni was observed during 12th to 18th July, 1988 along the southern...
A Baleen whale (Balaenoptera sp) was caught on 7.4 April by a drift net operated 7 km off Vizhinj...
A small pod of Short-finned pilot whale Globicephala macrorhynchus (Gray, 1846) was observed durin...
An estimated total quantity of 27 tonnes of cuttlefish (Sepia spp.) was landed by trawl nets at C...
A female whale Balaenoptera borealis measuring 9.76 m in total length, 1.83 m in width and weighi...
Two young female pilot whales Globicephala macrorhyma were caught in the gill nets by a 10 m mechan...
Forty whale sharks of the species Rhineodon typus were caught by Veraval fishermen during the fir...
A large specimen of black marlin identified as Makaira indica (Cuvier 1832) was caught by a gilln...
Four false killer whales were seen swimming in the Mandapam Bay, on the Palk Bay side at a depth ...
Stranding of a ballen whale (Balaenoptera borealis) measuring 12m in length was reported from Tut...
A male whale shark, Rhiniodon typus, 548cm Total length of about 2.5 tonnes, was caught entangled ...
During the last few years a number of strandings of whales, dolphins, and porpoises have been detect...
A whale shark, Rhiniodon typus landed on 8 January at Medha, Malvan coast by a gillnet. The length...
The large scale mortality of about 147 pilot whales, probably of the species Globicephala melaena,...
On 27--7-76, when one of the mechanised fishing vessels belonging to the Andaman and Nicobar Admini...
Heavy landings of Metapenaeus dobsoni was observed during 12th to 18th July, 1988 along the southern...
A Baleen whale (Balaenoptera sp) was caught on 7.4 April by a drift net operated 7 km off Vizhinj...
A small pod of Short-finned pilot whale Globicephala macrorhynchus (Gray, 1846) was observed durin...