On induced maturation in the Indian short-finned eel Anguilla bicolor bicolor McClelland

  • Dorairaj, K
  • Kandasamy, D
  • Soundararajan, R
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Publication date
January 1981


After acdimaitisiag the eels Anguilla bicolor bicolor in sea water, various' hormones viz., Gonadairaiphon F. S. H„ Gonadotraphon L. H. and Chorionic Gonadotropin (Profasd) and OcirpHpituiiitiairy extracts were administered to different dosages through intramuscular injections. By mepeated hormone JnjeotiJans maturatiion w:b induced in both tihe sexes. flHr*i*tLallty one imaile eeil which was given 2000 IU of Goaadoliraphon L.H. through four injections, reached spawning oondiiitilon 144 days after the first injection. Mter partial spawning, the eedl died on the same day. The gamadosomiaitic index was 6.47 and eye index increased by 14.38%. Each sperms itozoiid has a comma shaped body and a long ital. One female eel on which was adm...

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