Migratory routes and wintering areas of Cory’s shearwaters Calonectris diomedea from es Pantaleu (Mallorca). Here we show the migratory trips through the Atlantic Ocean of 8 Cory’s shearwaters breeding at es Pantaleu islet (P.N. de sa Dragonera, Majorca) during the winter of 2002-2003. The majority of the birds preferred the coasts of the Sahara and of Mauritania and to a lesser extent those of Namibia, corresponding to two zones of oceanic upwelling of cold and very productive waters (Canary and Benguela currents respectively). One of the birds behaved more in keeping with those from the Atlantic colonies, wintering in the confluence of the Brazilian and Malvinas currents off the coasts of southern Brazil and Uruguay, a straight-line dista...