Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk analisis perkembangan defisit anggaran dan defisit transaksi berjalan di Indonesia di era Presiden SBY dan Presiden Jokowi, serta membandingkan di antara kedua era tersebut. Penelitian ini juga menganalisis hubungan defisit ganda terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) dan tingkat bunga (r). Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah independent t-test (untuk perbandingan) dan Vector Auto-Regressive (VAR). Data yang digunakan berasal dari International Monetary Fund (IMF), periode 2004:Q1-2018:Q3. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa defisit anggaran tidak berbeda di kedua era pemerintahan, namun defisit neraca perdagangan pada era Presiden Jokowi jauh lebih besar dari sebelumnya. Defisit anggaran berpengaruh signifikan ter...
The research aims to investigate whether the monetary and fiscal policies in Indonesia interact with...
Neraca transaksi berjalan di Indonesia kembali mencatatkan defisit sejak 2011Q4. Di sisi lain, pem...
In this paper, the twin deficits hypothesis was examined using the panel data of nine SEACEN countri...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan defisit transaksi berjalan dan defisit anggaran...
This study aims to determine the effect of budget deficits on the current accounts deficit in Indone...
This paper aims to empirically examine the Twin Deficit Hypothesis and Feldstein-Horioka Hypothesis ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keberadaan hubungan twin deficits di Indonesia pada p...
A healthy and balanced economy is the ideal in many countries. However, along with the development ...
This study examines twin deficits in Indonesia during the period of 1969-2015 using Path Analysis. P...
This paper discusses the on-going debates surrounding the issue of twin deficits in Malaysia. The st...
The global crisis has pushed Indonesia into external and internal imbalances. In this case, the curr...
This research is motivated by the occurrence of twin deficit in Indonesia that have occurred since 2...
The aim of this study is to empirically examine the Twin Deficit Hypothesis and Feldstein-Horioka Hy...
Objectives The main objectives of this study was to inspect the validity of the twin deficits hypot...
A budget deficit is a condition where government spending is greater than government revenue. This s...
The research aims to investigate whether the monetary and fiscal policies in Indonesia interact with...
Neraca transaksi berjalan di Indonesia kembali mencatatkan defisit sejak 2011Q4. Di sisi lain, pem...
In this paper, the twin deficits hypothesis was examined using the panel data of nine SEACEN countri...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan defisit transaksi berjalan dan defisit anggaran...
This study aims to determine the effect of budget deficits on the current accounts deficit in Indone...
This paper aims to empirically examine the Twin Deficit Hypothesis and Feldstein-Horioka Hypothesis ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keberadaan hubungan twin deficits di Indonesia pada p...
A healthy and balanced economy is the ideal in many countries. However, along with the development ...
This study examines twin deficits in Indonesia during the period of 1969-2015 using Path Analysis. P...
This paper discusses the on-going debates surrounding the issue of twin deficits in Malaysia. The st...
The global crisis has pushed Indonesia into external and internal imbalances. In this case, the curr...
This research is motivated by the occurrence of twin deficit in Indonesia that have occurred since 2...
The aim of this study is to empirically examine the Twin Deficit Hypothesis and Feldstein-Horioka Hy...
Objectives The main objectives of this study was to inspect the validity of the twin deficits hypot...
A budget deficit is a condition where government spending is greater than government revenue. This s...
The research aims to investigate whether the monetary and fiscal policies in Indonesia interact with...
Neraca transaksi berjalan di Indonesia kembali mencatatkan defisit sejak 2011Q4. Di sisi lain, pem...
In this paper, the twin deficits hypothesis was examined using the panel data of nine SEACEN countri...