In questa tesi presentiamo un risultato in cui riusciamo a provare che una famiglia di strutture del primo-ordine sono o-minimali. La classe di strutture considerata è quella di campi definibilmente completi nel linguaggio dei campi ordinati espanso con una famiglia di simboli di operazioni interpretate da funzioni pfaffiane. Il risultato in particolare implica che i modelli della teoria dei campi ordinati con l'esponenziale sono o-minimali del primo ordine. The thesis presents a result that proves that a certain class of first-order structures is first-order o-minimal. This class is made of definably complete fields in a language that expands the one of ordered fields by operation symbols interpreted by pfaffian functions. The results prov...
Abstract. Recent developments in the theory of pfaffian sets are presented from a model-theoretic po...
We characterize those functions f: C → C definable in o-minimal expansions of the reals for which th...
We introduce tbe notion of “levelled structure ” ancA show that ever> ’ structure elementaril>...
There are three main parts to this thesis, all centred around ultraproducts of o-minimal structures....
The principal focus of this thesis is the study of the real numbers regarded as a structure endowed ...
Using a modification of Wilkie's recent proof of o-minimality for Pfaffian functions, we gave a...
Speissegger proved that the Pfaffian closure of an o- minimal expansion of the real field is o-minim...
The notion of an o-minimal expansion of the ordered field of real numbers was invented by L van den ...
Model theoretic algebra has witnessed remarkable progress in the last few years. It has found profou...
AbstractWe study first-order expansions of ordered fields that are definably complete, and moreover ...
We consider definably complete Baire expansions of ordered fields: every definable subset of the dom...
A b s t r a c t. We investigate minimal first-order structures and consider interpretability and def...
The notion of an o-minimal expansion of the ordered field of real numbers was invented by L van den ...
Abstract. We consider an o-minimal expansion M0 = (R0, <,+, · · · ) of a real closed field, an...
We give an example of two ordered structures M, N in the same language L with the same universe, the...
Abstract. Recent developments in the theory of pfaffian sets are presented from a model-theoretic po...
We characterize those functions f: C → C definable in o-minimal expansions of the reals for which th...
We introduce tbe notion of “levelled structure ” ancA show that ever> ’ structure elementaril>...
There are three main parts to this thesis, all centred around ultraproducts of o-minimal structures....
The principal focus of this thesis is the study of the real numbers regarded as a structure endowed ...
Using a modification of Wilkie's recent proof of o-minimality for Pfaffian functions, we gave a...
Speissegger proved that the Pfaffian closure of an o- minimal expansion of the real field is o-minim...
The notion of an o-minimal expansion of the ordered field of real numbers was invented by L van den ...
Model theoretic algebra has witnessed remarkable progress in the last few years. It has found profou...
AbstractWe study first-order expansions of ordered fields that are definably complete, and moreover ...
We consider definably complete Baire expansions of ordered fields: every definable subset of the dom...
A b s t r a c t. We investigate minimal first-order structures and consider interpretability and def...
The notion of an o-minimal expansion of the ordered field of real numbers was invented by L van den ...
Abstract. We consider an o-minimal expansion M0 = (R0, <,+, · · · ) of a real closed field, an...
We give an example of two ordered structures M, N in the same language L with the same universe, the...
Abstract. Recent developments in the theory of pfaffian sets are presented from a model-theoretic po...
We characterize those functions f: C → C definable in o-minimal expansions of the reals for which th...
We introduce tbe notion of “levelled structure ” ancA show that ever> ’ structure elementaril>...