Whey has a relatively large use in the food industry. This bachelor thesis deals with its composition, way of processing and last but not least it focuses on the production of whey protein shakes, which are widely used in the nutrition of athletes, but also in the nutrition of ordinary sports people. Whey is one of the best sources of protein because it has a high content of essential amino acids and branched chain amino acids. It also stands out with its digestibility and absorbability. The most commonly used method for whey processing and whey concentrate production is microfiltration and ion exchange chromatography. Whey concentrates have the greatest use in bodybuilding and strength sports
This bachelor thesis addresses the issue of increased demand for foods with a high protein content o...
Skim milk has only a half energetic value of full milk and therefore it is a good raw material for p...
Sirutka je sporedni proizvod koji nastaje u tehnološkom procesu proizvodnje sira ili kazeina, a sast...
This bachelor thesis is engaged Processing of whey, explores the meaning, composition and use the wh...
Sirutka je visoko vrijedan nusproizvod u tehnološkom procesu proizvodnje sira ili kazeina a koristi ...
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá technologií výroby syrovátkových bílkovinných koncentrátů. Práce se ...
Sirutka je tekućina žućkasto zelene boje koja nastaje kao nusproizvod u proizvodnji sira i kazeina. ...
Tato bakalářská práce je rešerší, která se zabývá syrovátkovými proteiny ve výživě, které jsou velmi...
Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o syrovátce a jejím využití nejen v potravinářství. První část práce...
There is information about the contents of sweet and sour whey, mainly the whey protein, in my diplo...
The aim of this study is to determine the protein contents and the digestion rates in in vitro condi...
Substantial amounts of whey containing significant quantity of high valuable ingredients, such as la...
This thesis on production technology of whey cheeses, deals with whey as a by-product that results i...
U proizvodnji sira glavni nusproizvod je sirutka. Sirutka je veliki zagađivač okoliša budući da sadr...
Teoretická část bakalářské práce přibližuje problematiku bílkovin ve stravě, jejich popis a vysvětle...
This bachelor thesis addresses the issue of increased demand for foods with a high protein content o...
Skim milk has only a half energetic value of full milk and therefore it is a good raw material for p...
Sirutka je sporedni proizvod koji nastaje u tehnološkom procesu proizvodnje sira ili kazeina, a sast...
This bachelor thesis is engaged Processing of whey, explores the meaning, composition and use the wh...
Sirutka je visoko vrijedan nusproizvod u tehnološkom procesu proizvodnje sira ili kazeina a koristi ...
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá technologií výroby syrovátkových bílkovinných koncentrátů. Práce se ...
Sirutka je tekućina žućkasto zelene boje koja nastaje kao nusproizvod u proizvodnji sira i kazeina. ...
Tato bakalářská práce je rešerší, která se zabývá syrovátkovými proteiny ve výživě, které jsou velmi...
Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o syrovátce a jejím využití nejen v potravinářství. První část práce...
There is information about the contents of sweet and sour whey, mainly the whey protein, in my diplo...
The aim of this study is to determine the protein contents and the digestion rates in in vitro condi...
Substantial amounts of whey containing significant quantity of high valuable ingredients, such as la...
This thesis on production technology of whey cheeses, deals with whey as a by-product that results i...
U proizvodnji sira glavni nusproizvod je sirutka. Sirutka je veliki zagađivač okoliša budući da sadr...
Teoretická část bakalářské práce přibližuje problematiku bílkovin ve stravě, jejich popis a vysvětle...
This bachelor thesis addresses the issue of increased demand for foods with a high protein content o...
Skim milk has only a half energetic value of full milk and therefore it is a good raw material for p...
Sirutka je sporedni proizvod koji nastaje u tehnološkom procesu proizvodnje sira ili kazeina, a sast...