The investigative comedy genre rose to prominence over the last two decades and now dominates the late night industry. “The Daily Show” brought political satire to mainstream American television at a time when sensationalized 24/7 cable news coverage and partisanship in the national government dominated political discourse. Jon Stewart, then a little-known comedian from New Jersey, brought younger and more informed audiences to his show through his style of comedy—one that spoke truth to power and called out hypocrisy when he saw it. The show entertained and taught viewers about the mainstream media, politics, and lesser-known issues that journalists failed to cover. Stewart also became part of the political conversation for much of his ten...
Includes bibliographical references (p. ).By all accounts, America's dependence on traditional news ...
News-gathering for the American public changed in the past decade with a decline in trust for journa...
Late night talk shows have been an integral part of U.S. television since the 1950s, and the genre c...
Notions of community and civic participation, and the role journalism plays in establishing, reinfor...
For the last decade, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (TDS), a (Comedy Central) cable comedy show, ha...
For the last decade, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (TDS), a (Comedy Central) cable comedy show, ha...
Jon Stewart, the anchor and purveyor of “fake news,” has catapulted television\u27s The Daily Show i...
The social meaning of television news has been under transformation since the successes of cable new...
The social meaning of television news has been under transformation since the successes of cable new...
The potential political effects of late night comedy programs have been a subject of much debate and...
The political satirists Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are largely celebrated for their nightly tel...
How has political comedy on television in the United States changed over time? Earlier examples of p...
Since the 2016 Presidential election, it has become increasingly difficult to turn on the television...
Satire news has garnered considerable critical attention, yet the question of just what mainstream j...
“Weekend Update,” like much of SNL, saw itself as a show talking back to the media, as “television’s...
Includes bibliographical references (p. ).By all accounts, America's dependence on traditional news ...
News-gathering for the American public changed in the past decade with a decline in trust for journa...
Late night talk shows have been an integral part of U.S. television since the 1950s, and the genre c...
Notions of community and civic participation, and the role journalism plays in establishing, reinfor...
For the last decade, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (TDS), a (Comedy Central) cable comedy show, ha...
For the last decade, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (TDS), a (Comedy Central) cable comedy show, ha...
Jon Stewart, the anchor and purveyor of “fake news,” has catapulted television\u27s The Daily Show i...
The social meaning of television news has been under transformation since the successes of cable new...
The social meaning of television news has been under transformation since the successes of cable new...
The potential political effects of late night comedy programs have been a subject of much debate and...
The political satirists Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are largely celebrated for their nightly tel...
How has political comedy on television in the United States changed over time? Earlier examples of p...
Since the 2016 Presidential election, it has become increasingly difficult to turn on the television...
Satire news has garnered considerable critical attention, yet the question of just what mainstream j...
“Weekend Update,” like much of SNL, saw itself as a show talking back to the media, as “television’s...
Includes bibliographical references (p. ).By all accounts, America's dependence on traditional news ...
News-gathering for the American public changed in the past decade with a decline in trust for journa...
Late night talk shows have been an integral part of U.S. television since the 1950s, and the genre c...