Este trabalho pretende discutir Oracle Night (2003) de PaulAuster, primeiramente como uma narrativa metaficcional,interessada em seu status como ficção, narrativa e linguagem,mas também baseada numa realidade histórica comprovável;empregando formas e expectativas tradicionais e ao mesmotempo solapando-as; desafiando a fixação de limites entregêneros, enquanto se afirma como romance. Mesmo assim,devido a essas mesmas características, Oracle Nightsimultaneamente se insere no que Bakhtin chamou de gênerossério-cômicos, e, especificamente, no gênero da sátira menipeia.As características desse gênero, que impregnam o texto deAuster, irão assim projetar Oracle Night como um romance pósmoderno como consequência de ser uma sátira menipeiacontemporâ...
Essa pesquisa concentra resultados das investigações realizadas durante o curso de mestrado acerca d...
Between autobiography and fiction, the term "autofiction", invented by Serge Doubrovsky, is a "genre...
Between autobiography and fiction, the term "autofiction", invented by Serge Doubrovsky, is a "genre...
Este trabalho pretende discutir Oracle Night (2003) de PaulAuster, primeiramente como uma narrativa ...
This paper intends to discuss Paul Auster’s Oracle Night (2003) first as a metafictional narrative...
This paper addresses Paul Auster’s Oracle Night (2004) through the lens of storyworld theories. This...
This paper addresses Paul Auster’s Oracle Night (2004) through the lens of storyworld theories. This...
This paper addresses Paul Auster’s Oracle Night (2004) through the lens of storyworld theories. This...
As the title of this essay suggests, Paul Auster’s 2003 novel Oracle Night is studied with regard to...
As the title of this essay suggests, Paul Auster’s 2003 novel Oracle Night is studied with regard to...
Oracle Night is a labyrinthine collection of scattered narratives. The main character, Sidney Orr, b...
Oracle Night is a labyrinthine collection of scattered narratives. The main character, Sidney Orr, b...
Oracle Night is a labyrinthine collection of scattered narratives. The main character, Sidney Orr, b...
Entre autobiographie et fiction, le terme « autofiction », inventé par Serge Doubrovsky, est un « ge...
Entre autobiographie et fiction, le terme « autofiction », inventé par Serge Doubrovsky, est un « ge...
Essa pesquisa concentra resultados das investigações realizadas durante o curso de mestrado acerca d...
Between autobiography and fiction, the term "autofiction", invented by Serge Doubrovsky, is a "genre...
Between autobiography and fiction, the term "autofiction", invented by Serge Doubrovsky, is a "genre...
Este trabalho pretende discutir Oracle Night (2003) de PaulAuster, primeiramente como uma narrativa ...
This paper intends to discuss Paul Auster’s Oracle Night (2003) first as a metafictional narrative...
This paper addresses Paul Auster’s Oracle Night (2004) through the lens of storyworld theories. This...
This paper addresses Paul Auster’s Oracle Night (2004) through the lens of storyworld theories. This...
This paper addresses Paul Auster’s Oracle Night (2004) through the lens of storyworld theories. This...
As the title of this essay suggests, Paul Auster’s 2003 novel Oracle Night is studied with regard to...
As the title of this essay suggests, Paul Auster’s 2003 novel Oracle Night is studied with regard to...
Oracle Night is a labyrinthine collection of scattered narratives. The main character, Sidney Orr, b...
Oracle Night is a labyrinthine collection of scattered narratives. The main character, Sidney Orr, b...
Oracle Night is a labyrinthine collection of scattered narratives. The main character, Sidney Orr, b...
Entre autobiographie et fiction, le terme « autofiction », inventé par Serge Doubrovsky, est un « ge...
Entre autobiographie et fiction, le terme « autofiction », inventé par Serge Doubrovsky, est un « ge...
Essa pesquisa concentra resultados das investigações realizadas durante o curso de mestrado acerca d...
Between autobiography and fiction, the term "autofiction", invented by Serge Doubrovsky, is a "genre...
Between autobiography and fiction, the term "autofiction", invented by Serge Doubrovsky, is a "genre...