Survey evidence from three Central European Countries (Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland) is analysed to identify the degree of non-agricultural farm diversification and the factors facilitating or impeding it in individual and corporate farms. The effect of diversification on rural job creation and household incomes is investigated. The results indicate that the level of diversification is relatively small and enterprise diversification by farmers is unlikely to generate sufficient new jobs and solve the problem of high rural unemployment. The attempt to transpose the west European model of agricultural diversification to the associated countries via the SAPARD programme is questionable, as non-farm centric rural policies appear to be m...
The non-farm sector is crucial to rural households in transition economies since it offers employmen...
open6siAcknowledgements The authors acknowledge funding from the European Commission, 7th Framework...
In order to stabilize and improve their income situation, rural households are strongly encouraged t...
Survey evidence from three Central European Countries (Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland) is analys...
In an environment of low returns to agricultural activities and slow structural change, both employm...
make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this c...
Most rural economies in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) suffer from a poorly developed Rural Non-Fa...
peer reviewedMultifunctionality of rural areas in Europe has become an important aspect of rural dev...
Multifunctionality of rural areas in Europe has become an important aspect of rural development in t...
Through the connection to rural resources agriculture has an impact on the three functions of countr...
During recent years, the number of farms able to generate satisfactory income from agricultural prod...
Through the connection to rural resources agriculture has an impact on the three functions of countr...
A decline in the number of people working on farms and in the Annual Work Units per unit area was ty...
In the past two decades farming in the European Union (EU) has come under increasing pressure to sur...
Problem and objectives. Non-farm rural diversification is gaining prominence in the debate on rural ...
The non-farm sector is crucial to rural households in transition economies since it offers employmen...
open6siAcknowledgements The authors acknowledge funding from the European Commission, 7th Framework...
In order to stabilize and improve their income situation, rural households are strongly encouraged t...
Survey evidence from three Central European Countries (Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland) is analys...
In an environment of low returns to agricultural activities and slow structural change, both employm...
make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this c...
Most rural economies in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) suffer from a poorly developed Rural Non-Fa...
peer reviewedMultifunctionality of rural areas in Europe has become an important aspect of rural dev...
Multifunctionality of rural areas in Europe has become an important aspect of rural development in t...
Through the connection to rural resources agriculture has an impact on the three functions of countr...
During recent years, the number of farms able to generate satisfactory income from agricultural prod...
Through the connection to rural resources agriculture has an impact on the three functions of countr...
A decline in the number of people working on farms and in the Annual Work Units per unit area was ty...
In the past two decades farming in the European Union (EU) has come under increasing pressure to sur...
Problem and objectives. Non-farm rural diversification is gaining prominence in the debate on rural ...
The non-farm sector is crucial to rural households in transition economies since it offers employmen...
open6siAcknowledgements The authors acknowledge funding from the European Commission, 7th Framework...
In order to stabilize and improve their income situation, rural households are strongly encouraged t...